National Institutes of Health
Yes, it helps in maintaining good hormone and bone health.
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
Once a day.
Yes, vitamin B complex supplements help in preventing neurological disorders and anemia.
A Schilling test is also known as a Vitamin B12 absorption test. It was formerly used to determine whether a person was absorbing vitamin B12 normally
Our body needs vitamin B to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia.
No, they are not that effective however some vegans may prefer to take them
Yes, they are more than sufficient. However, check your levels routinely.
The exact reasons are not yet know for some it can be inborn.
Yes, one can safely take them together to promote good health.
Have lots of dairy products and poultry products it will help in increasing both D3 and B12.
This is because some may also experience side effects from vitamin deficiencies
No, flaxseeds do not contain vitamin B12.
Yes, if the doctor has recommended you to take it
This is particularly because indians take a lot of dairy products which contain vitamin B12.
Yes, in small quantity.
Adults need 2.4 mcg of vitamin B12 daily to prevent conditions such as pernicious anemia.
Yes, its ok if you are not deficient in vitamin B12
The sources are milk, cheese, curd and nuts.
Yes, all dairy products increase vitamin B12 in the body.
To prevent nutritional deficiencies one should take calcium, essential fatty acids, folic acid, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A, B12, C, and D.
Yes, they can take vitamin supplements if they are deficient in Vitamin B12 or they are suffering from anemia.
Yes. A study found that the rebuilding and repairing of muscles requires vitamin B12 as as cofactor, alongside folate.
They help the body prevent anemia and bone related disorders along with increasing the energy levels and lowering bad cholesterol levels.
Yes, eggs contain vitamin B12 along with other poultry products.
Yes, you can take them together. It is very rare that you will have an overdose of vitamin B as it is mostly excreted via urine.
Typically one should take a dose of1,000 mcg once a week for 4 to 8 weeks and then 1,000 mcg once a month. However, you must consult your physican before starting the treatment.
A level higher than 900 pg/ considered abnormal and one must consult a doctor to prevent liver and kidney diseases.
Yes, B12 supplements work and they are often recommended to be taken together with folic acid supplements. As folic acid will cover up anemia, however, it cannot prevent neurological damage.
Yes, they work well to promote good health.
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