Why can not we produce vitamin B12 like herbivores?
It is not produced by plants and animals, only certain bacteria can produce it naturally.
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
If you are experiencing unexplained tiredness along with vomitting and loose motions then you might have B12 deficiency. Get a test done to know the exact cause.
You are recommended to check with a doctor. You can either take cynocobalmin tablets or hydroxocobalamin injections to boost your vitamin B12 levels. In addition take a protein rich diet comprising of dairy, poultry and meat to increase your B12 naturally.
The deficiency diseases of vitamin B 12 are beri beri, anemia and pellagra. The prominent symptoms are fatigue and lethargy.
One should not let the levels drop because B 12 defiency causes megaloblastic anemia which can have trouble getting oxygen to your tissues and organs.
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