How does weight loss help control Type 2 diabetes?
Weight loss helps to release adequate insulin from the pancreas which helps in utilising sugar and not storing it as fat.
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
Insulin causes decrease in blood sugar leading to loss of consciousness and sometimes convulsions too, when used for reasons other than treating Diabetes where sugar levels are high to start with.
Doctors use the fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test or the A1C test to diagnose prediabetes. Less often, doctors use the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), which is more expensive and not as easy to give. The A1C test reflects your average blood glucose over the past 3 months.
Burning fat is a combination of both calorie deficit, and insulin sensitivity.
Losing weight with insulin resistance is more difficult because your body converts blood sugar into fat instead of energy
One can lose upto 10 kgs to reverse type 2 diabetes.
Fasting Insulin, Insulin Serum, Insulin F
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