I had an incident last year where I was playing cricket and got hit in my right testicle by a ball. I experienced pain for about two weeks and used cold water to help manage it. The pain has gone now, but I've noticed that my right testicle hangs lower than my left one. Is this something I should be worried about? Do you think I need to see a doctor?
I understand your concern about the injury to your right testicle.
Possible Causes of the Difference in Testicle Position
1. Hematoma or Blood Accumulation: After the injury, blood may have accumulated in the scrotum, causing the testicle to hang lower.
2. Testicular Atrophy: The injury may have caused damage to the testicle, leading to atrophy (shrinkage) or a change in its position.
Yes, it's highly recommended that you consult a doctor, preferably a urologist, to assess the situation and provide guidance.