I had oral sex with a girl and ejaculated in her mouth back in November 2018 and I didn't know her blood status. Eight days after the encounter, I did a PCR RNA test and it was negative. Then, at one month, I took an HIV Tridot and syphilis test, both negative. At 75 days, I repeated the HIV Tridot and Syphilis VDRL tests, and they were also negative. I took the HIV Tridot and Syphilis VDRL tests again on January 30. Those came back negative too. Is the HIV Tridot test accurate after 82 days? I'm really anxious about this...
It's understandable to feel concerned, but based on the tests you've had, including the HIV Tridot after 82 days, it is highly accurate, and a negative result is reassuring. HIV testing generally gives reliable results after 3 months, so you can have peace of mind. If you still feel anxious, consulting with a healthcare provider for further guidance is always a good step.