Lab Tests
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Lab Test Query FAQ Sitemap
apollo health women check
apollo prime plus health plan
sras cov2 spike protein
apollo senior citizen health check advance female
apollo senior citizen health check advance male
apollo senior citizen health check essential
apollo tax saver advance female
apollo tax saver advance male
apollo tax saver essential
apollo women health check essential
antenatal profile
apollo menopausal profile
apollo pcod profile advanced
apollo pcod profile essential
apollo anemia profile
apollo fertility profile female
apollo cancer checkup ultra female
apollo cancer checkup advance female
apollo cancer checkup essential female
apollo cancer checkup ultra male
apollo cancer checkup advance male
apollo cancer checkup essential male
hul hba1c
respiratory viral panel adv hmpv piv
respiratory panel comprehensive by qiastat rtpcr
myositis profile igg 16 antigen
maternal serum screening double marker with plgf
allergy component resolved diagnostics crd panel
apollo heart essential
apollo heart superior
apollo heart prime
apollo diabetes panel essential
apollo diabetic panel superior
apollo diabetic panel prime
pollution risk check advance
pollution risk check basic
anti helicobacter pylori igg
anti helicobacter pylori igm
hul vit d female
executive package
standard package
antaryog foundation health check
immunoglobulin igg subclass 4
xpert health regular full body health check
stds package
xpert health fever ultra
xpert health diabetes and lipid profile
surgical panel hiv hbsag hcv
dengue igg igm antibodies rapid ka
dengue ns1 antigen ka
dengue serology rapid igm and ns1 antigen ka
dengue igg ka
dengue igm rapid ka
dengue fever ns1 antigen rapid ka
thyroid profile free ft3 ft4 tsh
25 hydroxy vitamin d d2d3
vitamin b12
hiv 1 and 2 antibodies
dengue profile igg and igm antibody and ns1 antigen elisa hr
dengue ns1 antigen elisa hr
dengue igm elisa hr
dengue igg elisa hr
dengue igg and igm elisa hr
chikungunya igm hr
dengue ns1 antigen elisa ka
dengue igm elisa ka
dengue profile ns1 igg igm rapid ka
apollo fever panel complete
apollo super6 package1
apollo super6 package 2
annual health package 2
annual health package 1
apollo senior citizens care male advance
corporate health check master
corporate health check basic
apollo full body checkup male advance
covid rtpcr with fever panel advance
covid rtpcr with fever panel essential
covid rtpcr with senior citizens care essential
covid rtpcr with senior citizens care basic
covid rtpcr with full body checkup essential
covid rtpcr with full body checkup basic
apollo full body checkup basic
apollo hairfall check advance male
apollo hairfall check basic
apollo hairfall check essential
apollo womens health basic
apollo senior citizens care basic
c difficile toxin a and b and gdh stool
fecal calprotectin
parathyroid hormone pth
d dimer
activated partial thromboplastin time aptt
prothrombin time pt inr
apollo vitamin check
apollo health check master
apollo full body check basic i
apollo full body check advance i
apollo basic hormone check
apollo basic full body check
apollo health check basic
apollo annual health check up
easy check 360
allergy house dust mite dermatophagoieds farinae
allergy house dust mite dermatophagoides pteronyssinus
braf v600e mutation
apollo full body checkup
complete thyroid assessment
holistic health check for women
comprehensive myeloma protein panel
tms 50 disorder panel
allergy cockroach
pml rara qualitative pcr
fish pml rara t15 17
anti parietal cell antibody apca
flow cytometry zap70
flow cytometry terminal deoxynucleotidal transferase tdt
preciso brca1 and 2 hereditary germline panel
hitachi health package
influenza by pcr influenza a influenza b h3n2 h1n1
aml categorization pcr bcr abl aml eto cbfb myh pml rara
thyroid profile with antithyroid antibodies
free and total thyroid profile t3 t4 ft3 ft4 tsh
glucose fasting and pp
dcp decarboxy prothrombin pivka ii
urine routine culture sensitivity
sgpt bilirubin hbsag
bun creatinine
mumps igg and igm elisa
hepatitis b antigen and antibody panel
apolipoprotein evaluation panel with lipoprotein a
hb tc dc platelet esr
hb tc dc platelet
antithyroid antibodies anti tpo and anti thyroglobulin antibody
vitamin b12 and folate
cmv igg and igm
apollo dt package 3
apollo dt package 2
apollo dt package 1
apollo vitamin check advance
apollo vitamin check essential
apollo vitamin check basic
lactic acid lactate plasma
apollo liver check advance
apollo fever panel advance
apollo liver check essential
apollo fever panel essential
apollo fever panel basic
apollo liver check basic
apollo kidney check advance
apollo kidney check essential
apollo kidney check basic
apollo hairfall check advance female
apollo full body checkup female advance
apollo senior citizens care female advance
apollo senior citizens care essential
apollo thyroid assessment advance
apollo thyroid assessment essential
apollo thyroid assessment basic
apollo full body checkup essential
maternal serum screening double marker first trimester with afp
maternal serum screening triple marker second trimester
maternal serum screening quadruple marker second trimester
maternal serum screening double marker first trimester fmf approved
thrombin time
h1n1 pcr
xpert health annual health check up
pre employment health check up
uber health check
sars cov 2 igg antibody
sars cov 2 igm antibody
covid 19 rt pcr with home collection
phlebo protection kit
calr mutation detection by sanger sequencing
mpl myeloproliferative leukemia gene mutation
absolute basophils count
fish sry testing
whole exome sequencing thermofisher
nickel urine
amoebic serology igg entamoeba histolytica
hepatitis b viral drug resistance and genotyping
urine for hemoglobinuria
anti mog anti myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
free beta hcg
pregnancy associated plasma protein a papp a
uric acid creatinine ratio urine
ganglioside antibody profile igg
ganglioside antibody profile igm
chlamydia pneumoniae igg
copper urine random
lipid screen
tc dc platelets
creatinine egfr
enterovirus pcr qualitative
urine for fat globules
unconjugated estriol ue3
red cell count with mcv mch mchc rdw
tissue transglutaminase ttg igg iga
hb tc dc mp
hb tc dc esr mp
hb tc
hb esr
tc dc esr mp
urea and creatinine
tlc dlc esr
tlc dlc malaria parasite
urine sugar and ketone
c3 and c4 complement panel
epstein barr virus antibodies to vca igg and igm
antithrombin activity
allergy flexi panel any 13 allergen
free light chains kappa and lambda urine
albumin urine
scrub typhus igg igm rapid
sca 12 spinocerebellar ataxia ppp2r2b gene mutation
urine for dysmorphic rbc
mucopolysaccharidosis mps screen urine
allergy comprehensive panel mini
hepatitis b virus genotyping
allergy mesquite prosopis
allergy rhinitis asthma inhalant panel adult mini
electrolytes with calcium
enhanced liver fibrosis panel elf
maternal serum screening 1t quad plgf papp a free beta hcg afp nt
allergy paediatric panel
allergy fruit panel mini
allergy sea food panel
allergy eczema maxi panel
allergy oak
allergy house dust
allergy cat dander
allergy lettuce
allergy cocoa cacao
allergy aubergine eggplant brinjal
allergy papaya
catecholamines plasma
pre eclampsia screening first trimester
placental growth factor plgf
toxoplasma antibody igg avidity
beta 2 glycoprotein 1 igg igm iga
beta 2 microglobulin urine
htlv i ii antibody screen
nicotine serum
hcv rna qualitative reflex to quantitative viral load
hbv dna qualitative reflex to quantitative viral load
anti skeletal striated muscle antibody aska ifa
musk antibodies
aldosterone direct renin ratio
allergy food panel veg non veg
smooth muscle antibody asma qualitative
epstein barr virus antibody to vca igg
nmda receptor antibody antiglutamate
chlamydia trachomatis pcr
anti ds dna qualitative ifa
spinal muscular atrophy sma mutation detection
anti streptolysin o aso quantitative
urine for reducing substances
neuronal paraneoplastic autoantibodies profile
dengue igm rapid
apolipoprotein a1 apo a1
1 3 beta d glucan bdg
ihc c4d
lyme disease borrelia burgdorferi antibodies igg and igm
risk of ovarian malignancy algorithm roma
torch pcr qualitative
myoglobulin random urine
endomysial antibody igg
leptospira detection dark field microscopy
apolipoprotein b apo b
anti nuclear antibody factor ana anf ifa hep 2 reflex to ana profile
mean platelet volume
renal profile kidney function test rft kft exclude phosphorus
epstein barr virus antibody to vca igm
friedreich ataxia mutation analysis
glomerular basement membrane antibody igg
bun creatinine ratio
fetal hemoglobin quantitative
urine for nitrites
ultrasensitive tsh
typhidot igg
beta crosslaps
cyclosporine c4 level whole blood
beta thalassemia mutation hbb gene mutation
culture nocardia
parvovirus b19 antibody igg
sport gene
pla2 receptor antibody
chikungunya pcr
mitochondrial mutation detection comprehensive panel
cyclosporine c0c2 level whole blood
cyclosporine c2 level whole blood
allergy eczema mini panel
chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeae pcr qualitative
smith antibody sm igg
chlamydia trachomatis dna pcr
endomysial antibody iga
rheumatoid factor igg
rheumatoid factor igm
anti neuromyelitis optica nmo antibody aquaporin 4
kappa free light chains
urine for myoglobin standard method
beta 2 microglobulin serum
ena ana qualitative line immunoassay immunoblot
bile acids serum
hbsag quantitative cmia
hbsag confirmatory test
amino acid qualitative urine
anti phospholipid antibody igg and igm
cardiolipin antibody igg and igm
metachromatic leukodystrophy quantitative
herpes simplex virus hsv type 2 igg igm
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 igg igm
anti hepatitis d virus hdv antibody igm
cortisol serum random
homa ir insulin resistance index
febrile agglutinins
allergy food panel veg
allergy food panel non veg
allergy screen total ige and phadiatop
hiv 1 rna pcr qualitative
id nat individual donor nucleic acid testing
insulin antibody
liver function test lft with ggt
urine ketones random
tumour necrosis factor tnf alpha
zinc random urine
zinc serum
free androgen index fai
cmv igg avidity
rubella antibody igg avidity
culture and sensitivity urine automated
dengue igg igm antibodies rapid
food intolerance test
chronic lymphocytic leukemia cll panel fish karyotyping
flow cytometry acute leukemia panel
spinocerebellar ataxia sca panel 1 2 3 6 7 10 12
flow cytometry acute lymphoblastic leukemia all panel
flow cytometry chronic lymphoproliferative disorder clpd panel
flow cytometry acute myeloid leukemia aml panel
allergy comprehensive panel
ana by line immunoassay immunoblot
multiple myeloma panel flow cytometry
hla celiac disease dqb102 103 dqa105 01
hains tb first line drug resistance profile
allergy rhinitis asthma inhalant panel adult maxi
drug of abuse doa panel 09 drugs
drug of abuse doa panel 10 drugs
flow cytometry natural killer cell panel
allergy animal panel
drug of abuse doa panel 06 drugs
allergy dust panel
anca by ifc anca and p anca
human epididymis protein 4 he4
drug of abuse doa panel 05 drugs
cardiolipin antibodies panel igaiggigm
brucella igg and igm panel
torch 10 profile igg and igm
anca profile mpo and pr3
apolipoprotein a1 and b
immune deficiency panel ii cd3 cd4 cd8
immunoglobulin panel igg igm and iga
thyroid peroxidase antibodies anti microsomal antibodies
immune deficiency panel i cd4 cd8
fsh lh prolactin
dengue profile igg and igm antibody and ns1 antigen elisa
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 and 2 igm
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 and 2 igg
lupus anticoagulant by drvvt
renal profile kidney function test rft kft
toxoplasma antibodies igg and igm
liver function test lft
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 and 2 igm and igg
fsh lh
abnormal hb studies hb electrophoresis
rubella antibodies igg and igm
lipid profile direct ldl
lipid profile
thyroid profile total t3 t4 tsh
estimated glomerular filtration rate egfr
dengue igg and igm elisa
microalbumin creatinine ratio urine
iron studies iron tibc
typhidot igg and igm
calcium creatinine ratio urine
electrolytes serum
herpes simplex virus hsv type 2 igm
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 igm
herpes simplex virus hsv type 2 igg
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 igg
electrolytes urine
complete blood count cbc
bilirubin total direct indirect serum
protein total protein albumin globulin a g
total leukocyte counts and differential leukocyte countstlc and dlc
rbc indices mcv mch and mchc
bile pigment and bile salt urine
complete urine examination cue
multiple myeloma karyotyping fish
interleukin 6 il 6
anti diuretic hormone adh
fish her2 neu oncogene amplification
von willebrand factor
vitamin b6
methylmalonic acid quantitative serum
bcr abl kinase domain mutation analysis irma imatinib resistance mutation analysis
donor specific antibodies dsa
vitamin c
flow cytometry cd41a
fish prader villi syndrome
vitamin b1
hiv 1 drug resistance assay
duchenne muscular dystrophy dmd gene mutation
hla drb1 3 4 5 typing
kras colorectal cancer marker mutations
c1 esterase inhibitor
hcv quantitative viral load rt pcr
hcv genotyping
bk virus dna pcr quantitative
fragile x syndrome fmri gene
chromogranin a
cebpa mutation
anti gad 65 antibody
hbv quantitative viral load rt pcr
thio purine methyl transferase tpmt genotyping
hla panel reactive antibodies
cystic fibrosis cftrf508
ugt1a1 gene gilberts syndrome
parvovirus b19 dna pcr qualitative
jak2 janus kinase 2 v617f
interleukin 28b il28b polymorphism
igf bp3 insulin growth factor binding protein 3
activated proteinc resistance apcr
vancomycin serum
hla b5
hla class ii typing
hiv quantitative viral load rt pcr
fish t8 14 ighc myc burkitt lymphoma
factor v leiden mutation pcr
factor v functional
immunofixation electrophoresis ife serum
fish t8 21 aml1 eto
measles antibody igg
npm1 nucleophosmin1 gene mutation
hla dq typing
bk virus dna pcr qualitative
anti dnase b antideoxyribonuclease b
biotinidase quantitative
allergy tree panel
hlac typing by luminex
hla b typing
leptin serum
hiv duo antigen and antibody
hbv dna qualitative
mthfr methyl tetra hydro folate reductase gene mutation homocysteinemia
factor ii prothrombin mutation study
aspergillus igm antibody
organic acid quantitative urine
free light chains kappa and lambda serum
vanillyl mandelic acid vma spot urine
neisseria gonorrhoea pcr qualitative
allergy mold panel
vitamin a
tetanus igg
diphtheria igg
tsh receptor antibodies
toxoplasma dna pcr qualitative
rubella pcr
leptospira dna pcr qualitative
herpes simplex virus hsv type 1 and 2 dna pcr qualitative
dengue rna pcr qualitative
hcv rna qualitative
acetylcholine receptor achr antibody
scl 70 scleroderma antibodies
hla b27 pcr
flow cytometry hla b27
pertussis igg
heavy metal mercury
heavy metal cadmium
chromosome analysis blood
smooth muscle antibody asma ifa
heavy metal arsenic
parietal cell antibody ifa in dilutions
chromium urine random
heavy metal chromium
chromium serum
1 25 dihydroxy vitamin d cholecalciferol
mixing study aptt
igf i somatomedinc insulin growth factor
tb gold quantiferon gamma interferon
hiv western blot
vitamin e
nor metanephrines free plasma
factor vii functional
cyclosporine level
cyfra 21 lung cancer marker
anti thrombin iii
allergy aspergillus fumigatus
dehydroepiandrosterone dhea
parvovirus b19 antibody igm
plasma renin direct
islet cell antibody
dihydro testosterone dht
vitamin b12 active holotranscobalamin
rbc folate
methotrexate serum
aspergillus igg antibody
anti mitochondrial antibody ama ifa qualitative
anti mitochondrial antibody ama m2 elisa
anti lkm 1 antibody
nt pro bnp n terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide
anti saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody asca igg
anti saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody asca iga
anti dsg i pemphigus foliaceus
anti dsg 3 pemphigus vulgaris
sex hormone binding globulin shbg
intrinsic factor igg antibody
mycoplasma pneumoniae igm
c anca pr3 elisa
flow cytometry glycophorin a
chlamydia trachomatis igg
flow cytometry cd7
flow cytometry cd61
flow cytometry cd14
chlamydia trachomatis igm
aldosterone serum
inhibin b
anti mullerian hormone amh
cryptococcus antigen detection serum
factor ix
bnp b type natriuretic peptide
flow cytometry cd79a
flow cytometry cd64
flow cytometry cd59
flow cytometry cd58
flow cytometry cd55
flow cytometry cd5
flow cytometry cd45 lca
flow cytometry cd38
flow cytometry cd34
flow cytometry cd33
flow cytometry cd25
flow cytometry cd23
flow cytometry cd22
flow cytometry cd20
flow cytometry cd2
flow cytometry cd1a
flow cytometry cd19
flow cytometry cd15
flow cytometry cd138
flow cytometry cd13
flow cytometry cd123
flow cytometry cd11c
flow cytometry cd117
flow cytometry cd103
flow cytometry cd3
antigliadin igg
alpha 1 antitrypsin serum
erythropoietin epo
flow cytometry cd8 count
flow cytometry cd4 count
heavy metal aluminium
leishmania antibody kala azar antibody igg
lead random urine
gliadin antibody iga
anti cysticercosis antibody igg
chlamydia trachomatis iga
heavy metal lead
gastrin serum
myoglobulin serum
inhibin a
anti hcv
anti nuclear antibody factor ana anf ifa hep 2 end point titre
metanephrine free plasma
ca 724
ssb la antibody
ssa ro antibody
troponin t quantitative
high sensitive hs troponin i quantitative
troponin i qualitative
g6pd quantitative
anti histone antibodies
anti ds dna feia
anti ccp cyclic citrullinated peptide
p anca mpo elisa
echinococcus antibody igg hydatid serology
anti soluble liver antigen sla
hepatitis e virus hev igm
hepatitis e virus hev igg
centromere antibody igg
allergy drug panel
allergy almond
factor viii
thyroxin binding globulin
adrenocorticotropic hormone acth plasma
mumps igm
mumps igg
rheumatoid factor ra quantitative
tissue transglutaminase ttg iga
sm rnp antibody u1 rnp
brucella agglutination test
jo 1 antibody
hemosiderin urine
copper serum
varicella chicken pox igm
varicella chicken pox igg
drug test methadone
drug test barbiturates
drug test cocaine
17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone 17 ohp
ca 199
ca 153
anti thyroglobulin antibody
troponin t qualitative
allergy mutton meat
c peptide fasting
hepatitis a virus hav igm
amino acid qualitative plasma
measles antibody igm
leptospira antibodies igm
leptospira antibodies igg
hepatitis b core antibody hbcab igm
brucella igm
cystatin c
angiotensin converting enzyme ace
testosterone free
scrub typhus igm elisa
testosterone total
brucella igg
ceruloplasmin serum
c peptide pp
insulin random
drug test benzodiazepines
beta 2 glycoprotein 1 igm
beta 2 glycoprotein 1 igg
beta 2 glycoprotein 1 iga
dengue igg elisa
dengue fever ns1 antigen rapid
allergy yeast
allergy wool
allergy willow
allergy white pine
allergy white bean
allergy wheat
allergy walnut
allergy velvet grass
allergy turkey
allergy tuna
allergy tomato
allergy timothy
allergy sunflower seeds
allergy strawberry
allergy stemphylum solani
allergy spinach
allergy soya bean
allergy shrimp
allergy sheep sorel
allergy sesame seed
allergy salmon
allergy rye grass
allergy rice
allergy rapeseed
allergy common ragweed
protein electrophoresis serum
allergy potato
allergy pork
allergy pistachio
allergy pineapple
allergy perennial rye grass
allergy pecan
allergy pear
allergy peanut
allergy peach
allergy pea
allergy paprika sweet pepper capsicum
allergy ox eye daisy
allergy orange
allergy onion
allergy olive
allergy oat
allergy mustard
allergy mussel
allergy mushroom
allergy mugwort
allergy milk
allergy melaleuca cajeput tree
allergy meadow grass poa
allergy mango
allergy lobster
allergy lentil
allergy lemon
allergy lamb
allergy kiwi
allergy june grass kentucky blue grass
allergy johnson grass
allergy horse dander
allergy hazel nut
allergy goosefoot
allergy goldenrod
allergy gluten
allergy garlic
allergy eucalyptus gum tree
allergy elm
allergy egg white
allergy dog dander
allergy dandelion
allergy cucumber
allergy crab
allergy cow dander
allergy cottonwood
allergy maize corn
allergy coffee
allergy fish cod
allergy coconut
allergy cocklebur
allergy cladosporium herbarum
allergy chickpea
allergy chicken
allergy cheddar
allergy celery
allergy cashew nut
allergy casein
allergy carrot
allergy candida albicans
allergy cabbage
allergy brazil nut
allergy blue mussel
allergy bermuda grass
allergy beef
allergy banana
allergy bahia grass
allergy apple
anti nuclear antibody ana iif
allergy alternaria alternata
allergy alder
allergy acacia
lipoprotein a lp a
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate dheas
hbc total antibody
allergy phadiatop immunocap paediatric
allergy phadiatop immunocap adult
fibronogen degradation products fdp
ca 125
folic acid serum
hbe antigen hbeag
homocysteine serum plasma
hbsag australian antigen quantitative elfa
chikungunya igm
hepatitis b e antibody hbeab
prostatic specific antigen free fpsa
factor xiii functional qualitative
anti sperm antibodies
digoxin levels serum
porphobilinogen qualitative urine
iron saturation
cardiolipin antibody iga
cardiolipin antibody igm
cardiolipin antibody igg
hepatitis a virus hav igg
alpha fetoprotein afp serum
anti phospholipid antibody igm
anti phospholipid antibody igg
tissue transglutaminase ttg igg
infectious mononucleosis antibody mono spot paul bunnel
alcohol ethanol urine
culture anaerobic only blood
alcohol blood
alcian blue stain
valproic acid sodium valproate
phenytoin level dilantin
phenobarbital gardinal serum
aldolase serum
growth hormone gh serum
carcino embryonic antigen cea serum
total ige
insulin fasting
beta hcg total
insulin pp
hs crp high sensitivityc reactive protein
drug test phencyclidine
anti nuclear antibody ana elisa
hepatitis b surface antibody anti hbs
weil felix test
treponema pallidium hemagglutination assay tpha
hams test
calcium ionized
carbamazepine levels cbz serum
heavy metal manganese
culture and sensitivity aerobic blood
prostatic specific antigen total psa
malarial antigen vivax and falciparum
osmolality serum
osmolality urine
magnesium serum
drug test propoxyphene
drug test marijuana cannabinoids
drug test opiates morphine
drug test methamphetamine
magnesium spot urine
lipase urine
complement level c4
complement level c3
lipase serum
hiv rapid
red cell osmotic fragility standard method
acid phosphatase prostatic fraction
filaria antigen
cortisol serum morning sample 8 am
cortisol spot urine
estradiol e2
immunoglobulin igg
microalbumin mau urine
typhidot igm
toxoplasma antibody igg
c reactive protein crp qualitative
anti streptolysin aso aslo latex
gomoris methenamine silver stain gms
lh luteinizing hormone
lithium serum
ck mb serum
rubella antibody igm
rubella antibody igg
toxoplasma antibody igm
cmv igm
cmv igg
hcv tridot
hbsag screening rapid
filaria antibodies igg and igm
follicle stimulating hormone fsh
urine for chyle
immunoglobulin igm
urine cotinine nicotine test
phosphorus inorganic urine
hba1c glycated hemoglobin
amylase serum
c reactive protein crp quantitative
free t4 ft4
free t3 ft3
red cell distribution width rdw
immunoglobulin iga
protein creatinine ratio urine
amylase spot urine
bilirubin indirect
drug of abuse doa methaqualone
drug test amphetamines
rheumatoid factor ra latex agglutination
aldehyde chopra test for kala azar
bicarbonate hco3
thyroid stimulating hormone tsh serum
wet mount for microfilaria
absolute monocyte count
urine bence jones proteins
lactate dehydrogenase ldh serum
iron serum
dengue igm elisa
dengue ns1 antigen elisa
india ink preparation
reticulocyte count
uric acid urine
calcium spot urine
triglycerides serum
coombs test indirect indirect antiglobulin
coombs test direct direct antiglobulin
methylmalonic acid qualitative urine
sodium urine
protein quantitative urine
creatine kinase serum cpk
gamma glutamyl tranferase ggt
direct ldl cholesterol
widal test tube method
systemic lupus erythematosus panel sle
rh antibody titre
urine for eosinophil count
sickling test
urine for cytology
urea urine
total iron binding capacity tibc serum
potassium urine
chloride spot urine
hdl cholesterol serum
widal test slide method
tri iodothyronine t3 serum
thyroxine total t4 serum
sgot ast aspartate aminotransferase serum
sgpt alt alanine aminotransferase
sodium serum
potassium serum plasma
peripheral smear for microfilaria mf
alkaline phosphatase serum
vdrl rpr qualitative serum
absolute neutrophil count
absolute eosinophil count
urine specific gravity
urine pregnancy test card method
protein total serum
creatinine spot urine
chloride serum
calcium serum
absolute lymphocyte count alc
uric acid serum
phosphorus inorganic serum
creatinine serum
protein total urine strip method
heinz body test
peripheral smear
cholesterol serum
urea serum
bilirubin total serum
blood urea nitrogen bun
platelet count
bilirubin conjugated direct serum
albumin serum
ketone beta hydroxy butyrate serum
total leukocyte count tlc
peripheral smear for malarial parasite mp
hemoglobin hb
erythrocyte sedimentation rate esr
blood group abo and rh factor
urobilinogen urine
urine ph
differential leukocyte count dlc
rbc count
glucose random urine
glucose fasting urine
glucose random
glucose post prandial pp 2 hours post meal
glucose fasting
glucose post prandial urine