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Blood transfusions can cause adverse reactions if the donor blood is not tested. An Individual Donor Nucleic Acid testing (ID NAT test) is a simple procedure to check for viral proteins in the blood. This test is an important HIV testing technique to approximate the number of viral components in the blood.
Amongst several types of blood tests, the nucleic acid test is one of the most prominent ways to validate the safety of the blood before transfusion.
Since there is an increase in the demand for blood and plasma, the nucleic acid test is highly essential. Many transplantation surgeries have been unsuccessful due to severe infection in the blood.
A donor blood test allows the pathologist to ensure safe blood transfusion and confirm the presence of viral infections in the blood. An early diagnosis of the problem guarantees the patient a proper treatment plan that can further improve their quality of life. HIV testing is also suitable for pregnant women to prevent their babies from getting infected.
Both HIV and HCV are sexually transmitted diseases that can spread through careless blood transfusions. The nucleic acid test works on the principle of polymerase chain reaction, which amplifies the viral genetic material present in the blood. After amplification, the cycle threshold value indicates the intensity of the infection.
Apollo 24|7 has a test panel dedicated to nucleic acid test to screen the donor's blood before transfusion. Those who must opt for a nucleic acid test before donating their blood include:
- People who have multiple sexual partners
- People who have had unprotected sexual intercourse with someone whose sexual history is unknown
- People who inject drugs using shared needles and syringes
- People with a history of STDs such as hepatitis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and herpes
- People indulging in sexual activity with anybody having a history of cases mentioned above
One can also look for common symptoms such as low immunity, fatigue, and dizziness before opting for HIV testing. While a single blood donation can impact a recipient's life significantly, an unsafe blood transfusion can be equally fatal to them.