
HbA1c, Glycated Hemoglobin in Matunga East, Mumbai

Also Known as Glycated Hemoglobin, HbA1c, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Glycohemoglobin, Glycated hemoglobin test, Hemoglobin A1c

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General Physician/Internal Medicine

testsTest(s) Included (3)

  • HbA1c, Glycated Hemoglobin

    3 tests included

*Optional Tests: Testing of these is conditional depending on results of other tests


blood sample




Age group

7 years & above

HbA1c (Glycated Haemoglobin)

Test Overview

Sample TypeBlood
Reports Delivery6 Hrs
Number of Tests Included   3

Due to persistent stress, poor dietary choices, and a sedentary way of life, diabetes has become a notable health concern worldwide. Recent projections suggest that over 643 million individuals globally will be affected by diabetes by the year 2030.

The top HbA1c tests are available in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Noida, Chennai.

Given the increasing prevalence of diabetes worldwide, it is crucial for individuals, particularly those in countries like India, to grasp the importance of regular monitoring of blood sugar levels. The HbA1c blood test stands out as a key diagnostic tool, enabling individuals to track patterns in their blood sugar levels over time and ensuring timely intervention as necessary.

Early identification of high blood sugar levels can help you take proactive steps such as lifestyle adjustments, dietary changes, and appropriate medication, thereby mitigating the risk of diabetes development and its associated complications such as kidney disease, vision impairment, cardiovascular issues, and stroke.

What is the HbA1c test price?

The HbA1c blood test is typically affordable. However, understanding the key factors that affect the HbA1c test price can help you navigate your healthcare journey with ease. Variations in cost can be attributed to the following factors:

  • Lab Quality: The quality of the laboratory you select for your HbA1c blood test impacts the price. Laboratories renowned for adhering to international testing standards and possessing credibility may have slightly higher prices.
  • Demand and Availability: Like other services, prices of the HbA1c blood test fluctuate based on demand and availability. In regions where demand is high, the price of the HbA1c test could be slightly higher.
  • Inclusions/ Additional charges: The price of an HbA1c test generally includes various components such as the doctor's fee, laboratory charges, and any additional costs associated with home sample collection. It is advisable to figure out the inclusions in the final cost before payment.
  • Deals/ Discounts: Certain healthcare providers may offer discounts or deals that could reduce the overall expense. It's always prudent to check for any available offers before scheduling your test.

When considering where to undergo your HbA1c blood test, keep these factors in mind to make a well-informed decision that aligns with your budget. Remember, prioritising your health is crucial for overall well-being.

At Apollo 24|7, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality healthcare services at competitive rates. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the HbA1c blood sugar test, feel free to consult your family doctor.
Find all the information you need about the HbA1c blood test in the following sections.

All About HbA1c test

The HbA1c blood test is an essential diagnostic tool that aids in identifying, monitoring, and managing diabetes and related conditions. It also assists in determining the risk of diabetes in individuals who have not yet developed the condition. Healthcare professionals widely acknowledge the significance of the HbA1c blood sugar test in preventing complications associated with diabetes.

What is an HbA1c test?

The HbA1c blood test, also known as a glycated or glycosylated haemoglobin test, is commonly used to measure the amount of glucose attached to haemoglobin in the blood. Haemoglobin (Hb) is a protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. Essentially, this test provides an average of blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months, making it crucial for early diagnosis of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here are some key aspects of this test:

  • The HbA1c blood test differs from simple fasting or post-meal blood sugar tests. It does not require fasting and can be done at any time of the day.
  • This test is particularly important for individuals with diabetes as it allows the doctor to monitor their condition and adjust medication if necessary.
  • The results of the HbA1c blood sugar test are given in percentage. A higher percentage indicates higher levels of glucose attached to haemoglobin.

With advancements in healthcare and diagnostic services, obtaining an HbA1c blood test is relatively straightforward. For example, you can book an HbA1c blood test in any city at your convenience through various healthcare service providers like Apollo 24|7.

Signs You Need an HbA1c test

Recognising signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for an HbA1c blood test is crucial for the early detection and proper management of diabetes. Here are some indicators that might suggest the necessity for an HbA1c blood test:

  • Excessive Thirst and Hunger: Feeling unusually thirsty or hungry even after consuming a balanced diet can be a sign of high blood glucose levels, prompting the need for a blood sugar test.
  • Unexplained Weight Loss and Chronic Fatigue: Sudden weight loss without any significant change in diet or exercise routine could indicate elevated blood sugar levels. Moreover, persistent fatigue throughout the day may signal the need for testing for high blood sugar levels.
  • Slow-Healing Sores: Wounds and sores that take a long time to heal could be a symptom of high blood sugar levels, warranting consideration for an HbA1c blood test.
  • Blurred Vision: Increased blood sugar levels can disrupt the fluid balance in the eyes, leading to blurred vision.
  • Dry Skin: Constant dry skin despite regular moisturising may be a symptom of high blood sugar.
  • Numbness or Tingling in the Hands or Feet: Sensations of numbness or tingling in the extremities could indicate nerve damage resulting from high blood sugar levels.
  • Increased Susceptibility to Infections: Diabetes can weaken the immune system, making individuals more vulnerable to infections and leading to more frequent bouts of illness.
  • Frequent Medication Changes: If your doctor frequently alters your medication due to unstable blood sugar levels, it may be advisable to undergo an HbA1c blood test.

Who Can Get an HbA1c test?

Anyone who suspects that their blood sugar levels may be affecting their health can request an HbA1c blood test. Here are some specific groups of people who may benefit from the HbA1c blood sugar test:

  • Individuals with Diabetes: Regular HbA1c testing is essential for effective management in those diagnosed with diabetes. Monitoring HbA1c values provides valuable insights into blood sugar control, assisting in treatment adjustments and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.
  • Pre-diabetes Individuals: If your doctor suspects you may be in the pre-diabetes stage, an HbA1c blood test may be recommended. It helps identify the risk of developing diabetes early, allowing for timely interventions such as lifestyle changes and preventive measures to mitigate the progression to full-blown diabetes.
  • High-Risk Individuals: Those at high risk due to factors such as obesity, hypertension, or a family history of diabetes greatly benefit from the HbA1c blood test. Early detection through this test enables prompt intervention, enhancing the likelihood of preventing or delaying diabetes-related complications.
  • Individuals with High Cholesterol Levels: High blood sugar can heighten cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. Regular HbA1c blood tests are crucial for comprehensive cardiovascular health management in individuals with high cholesterol levels.
  • Pregnant Women: Pregnancy can sometimes trigger gestational diabetes, which requires timely identification and management for the health of both the mother and the foetus. An HbA1c blood test aids in monitoring and managing this condition efficiently.
  • Children and Teens: Overweight children and teens or those with a family history of diabetes may require the HbA1c blood test to assess their risk of developing diabetes. This helps determine if they are at risk and allows for essential dietary and lifestyle changes to mitigate this risk.

If you experience any symptoms or fall into a high-risk category for diabetes, it is advisable to discuss your concerns with your doctor and consider undergoing the HbA1c blood test. However, it's important to note that these symptoms may also indicate other health conditions. The HbA1c blood sugar test provides an accurate diagnosis, enabling appropriate and timely treatment.

The upcoming section provides detailed information about the tests included in the HbA1c blood sugar test!

Which Tests Are Included in an HbA1c test?

An HbA1c blood test consists of two primary components: the HbA1c (glycated haemoglobin) and the Estimated Average Glucose (EAG). Both of these tests provide essential information about your long-term blood sugar control.

HbA1c, Glycated Haemoglobin

This is a fundamental aspect of the HbA1c blood test. This critical test measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months, providing a comprehensive understanding of your long-term sugar control. It achieves this by assessing the amount of glucose attached to the haemoglobin in your red blood cells. This information is crucial not only for diagnosing diabetes but also for monitoring its progression and guiding treatment plans.

Estimated Average Glucose (EAG)

In addition to the HbA1c test, another metric known as the Estimated Average Glucose (EAG) is calculated in the blood sugar test HbA1c. The estimated average glucose, or EAG, offers further insight into the average levels of blood sugar over a similar period, typically 2 to 3 months.

  • Derived from the results of the HbA1c test, it provides a broader perspective on blood sugar control compared to daily glucose readings.
  • One significant advantage of the EAG is its ability to translate complex HbA1c percentages into easily understandable average blood glucose levels.
  • The EAG proves particularly useful for tracking the progression of diabetes, assessing the effectiveness of treatments, and making adjustments to lifestyle or medication in order to improve blood sugar levels.

Decoding HbA1c test Report

Comprehending the range and parameters of the HbA1c blood test is crucial for the early detection of diabetes. Regular checks and monitoring of the range in your HbA1c blood test report are vital to prevent complications associated with high blood sugar levels. In the following sections, we'll simplify the process of interpreting your HbA1c test report.


HbA1c Normal Value: Below 5.7%
Prediabetes: Between 5.7% to 6.4%
Diabetes: 6.5% and above

What do high values indicate?

An elevated result in your HbA1c blood test serves as a vital health alert. It indicates potential diabetes or poorly managed glucose levels, requiring prompt intervention. Let's delve into this further:

  • Diabetes: High values suggest uncontrolled blood glucose levels, typically indicating diabetes or poorly managed diabetes. For those already diagnosed with diabetes, an HbA1c level over 7% might signal the need to adjust the current treatment plan to better regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Prediabetes: A range between 5.7% and 6.4% in your HbA1c blood test may indicate prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are elevated but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Individuals with prediabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Elevated HbA1c levels not only affect sugar control but can also lead to serious health complications. These may include heart disease, kidney disease, dementia, mental health issues, fatigue, and bone loss. Therefore, if you notice high values in your blood sugar test HbA1c, it's essential not to ignore them. It's a clear indication of potential diabetes or poorly managed blood glucose levels, requiring immediate medical attention and possible adjustments in treatment to reduce these risks.

What do low values indicate?

Low HbA1c levels don't always signify positive health outcomes. Excessively low levels could indicate a heightened risk of hypoglycaemia or other health issues due to overly aggressive management of blood sugar levels.

  • Excessive Dietary Restriction: Low HbA1c levels may suggest excessive dietary restriction. When an individual overly restricts their food intake, it can result in an abnormal decrease in HbA1c levels.
  • Overuse or Misuse of Antidiabetic Medications: Another factor contributing to low levels of the blood sugar test HbA1c is the overuse or misuse of antidiabetic drugs.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as haemolytic anaemia or haemorrhage can also lower HbA1c levels. These conditions reduce the lifespan of red blood cells, thereby diminishing the opportunity for glucose binding and resulting in lower HbA1c values.

Understanding these results is vital for diagnosing diabetes and initiating appropriate treatment. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and management tailored to individual conditions and factors.

When to consult a doctor?

Here are some situations when it's advisable to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment:

  • Treatment Adjustment: If your HbA1c blood test level exceeds your target range (typically below 7% for most adults with diabetes), discussing treatment adjustments with a doctor can aid in improving blood sugar control and reducing potential complications.
  • Prediabetes Or Elevated Risk: A HbA1c blood test result falling between 5.7% to 6.4% indicates prediabetes or an increased risk of developing diabetes and heart diseases. Medical guidance would be necessary for lifestyle changes and monitoring.
  • Unexplained Symptoms: If you're experiencing symptoms such as frequent urination, excessive thirst or hunger, unexplained weight loss, or fatigue, and these align with your test results, it's prudent to promptly seek medical advice.

Self-diagnosis without medical expertise may lead to further health issues. It's important to always seek professional guidance to accurately interpret and address HbA1c blood sugar test levels. This not only ensures proper management of diabetes but also minimises the risks of complications.

Additional tests to be done (if any)

For a thorough assessment of your blood sugar control, additional tests may be necessary depending on your specific medical condition. Here are some additional tests that may be recommended alongside the HbA1c test:

  • Fasting Blood Glucose Test: This test involves fasting overnight and measuring your blood sugar levels in the morning to evaluate how well your body manages glucose during periods of fasting.
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT): The OGTT assesses how effectively your body processes glucose and is particularly useful for diagnosing diabetes or prediabetes, especially if your HbA1c levels are elevated. It requires overnight fasting followed by consuming a sugary solution.
  • Fructosamine Test: This test monitors glucose control over shorter periods, typically 2-3 weeks, and is especially beneficial during pregnancy or in conditions affecting the lifespan of red blood cells.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): The CBC evaluates various components of your blood, including red and white blood cells and platelets, helping to rule out conditions like anaemia or other disorders that could affect HbA1c levels. This is particularly relevant for significantly low levels in the HbA1c blood test.
  • Comprehensive Health Evaluation: Depending on your health status and medical history, your doctor may recommend other tests such as kidney function tests, lipid profile checks, liver function tests, etc., to understand any factors influencing your blood sugar control.

These additional tests offer a more comprehensive understanding of your overall health and can inform better management strategies. Always discuss these tests with your doctor if your HbA1c levels are elevated.

Preparing for an HbA1c test

Preparing for an HbA1c blood test is straightforward. The process simply entails collecting a standard blood sample, which poses minimal risks and can be done at any time of the day. Scheduling an HbA1c blood test for home sample collection is convenient and accessible, making the procedure simple and hassle-free.

How is an HbA1c test done?

The HbA1c blood test is swift and relatively painless, serving as a dependable tool in managing diabetes. The process commences with a lab technician extracting a small blood sample. This can be achieved by either inserting a needle into a vein in your arm or pricking your finger with a lancet, depending on the laboratory's preferred method. The obtained blood sample is then sent for analysis to determine the presence and quantity of glycosylated haemoglobin.

Can I take an HbA1c test at any time of the day?

One of the key advantages of an HbA1c blood test is its convenience. Unlike other sugar tests that may necessitate fasting or specific preparations, the HbA1c test requires no such arrangements. There's no need for special preparation like fasting; hence, you can undergo the HbA1c test at a time that suits your schedule.

What are the risks of an HbA1c test?

The potential risks associated with an HbA1c blood sugar test are minimal and akin to those encountered with routine blood tests. Occasionally, individuals may experience mild discomfort during needle insertion or minor bruising thereafter. However, it's worth noting that these effects typically subside within a few hours.

Can I take the HbA1c test at home?

In recent times, there has been an increase in demand for home-based HbA1c testing services. Nowadays, individuals can easily arrange for an HbA1c blood test in any city from the comfort of their own homes.
A qualified professional will visit your residence to collect the blood sample, ensuring both convenience and safety. Healthcare facilities such as Apollo 24|7 provide these services, facilitating prompt and accurate diagnoses in the comfort of your own home.

What is the Importance of the HbA1c test?

The HbA1c blood sugar test is integral to diabetes management, providing invaluable insights into long-term blood sugar control, assessing complication risks, guiding treatment choices, and empowering patients to manage their health. Its significance is multifaceted:

  • Long-term Blood Sugar Management: Unlike standard glucose tests, the HbA1c blood sugar test offers a comprehensive view of blood glucose control over 2-3 months. This broader perspective aids doctors in evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes management.
  • Risk Assessment: HbA1c levels indicate the potential risk of developing diabetes-related complications such as heart disease, kidney damage, and nerve disorders. By monitoring HbA1c consistently, doctors can identify individuals at increased risk early on and implement preventive measures.
  • Treatment Modification: The results of the HbA1c blood sugar test inform decisions regarding treatment, including modifications in medication, diet, and lifestyle. Attaining and maintaining target HbA1c levels is crucial for reducing complication risks and improving long-term health outcomes in individuals with prediabetes and diabetes.

Diseases diagnosed by HbA1c test

The HbA1c blood test is primarily utilised for diagnosing diabetes and prediabetes, aiding in the early identification of these conditions to prevent further complications.

Elevated blood sugar levels in the HbA1c test may also indicate risks and potential complications, including:

  • Kidney damage
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Vision loss or blindness
  • Diabetic neuropathy: Nerve damage resulting from high blood sugar levels, typically affecting the hands, feet, arms, and legs.
  • Gastroparesis: A condition characterised by impaired digestion in the stomach due to paralysis of stomach muscles.
    Further tests may be necessary to confirm such complications.

How is an HbA1c test important for pregnant women?

Throughout pregnancy, it's essential for expectant mothers to regularly monitor their blood glucose levels. Pregnancy can induce gestational diabetes, a temporary form of diabetes. Elevated blood sugar levels can complicate childbirth and increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes post-pregnancy. Therefore, it's crucial for pregnant women to undergo an HbA1c blood sugar test to protect both their own health and the well-being of their unborn child.

This test provides valuable information about blood sugar control over a period, facilitating effective management of gestational diabetes and minimising potential risks during and after pregnancy.

How is an HbA1c test important for prediabetics & diabetics?

By furnishing essential information on blood sugar regulation, the HbA1c test plays an essential role in the management and care of individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. Here are several reasons why the HbA1c blood sugar test is vital for individuals living with such conditions:

  • Monitoring Blood Glucose Control: Diabetic individuals should undergo regular HbA1c testing to monitor their blood sugar control. This also helps assess the effectiveness of their treatment plans.
  • Diagnosing Prediabetes and Diabetes: The HbA1c blood test is crucial for identifying individuals with prediabetes—those with elevated blood sugar levels indicating an increased risk of developing diabetes. Early detection of diabetes can prompt timely preventive measures.
  • Setting Treatment Goals: The HbA1c blood test aids healthcare professionals and diabetic patients in establishing target blood sugar levels. These goals take into account individual health factors, age, and past glucose control success. They are not fixed but may evolve over time to optimise diabetes management and mitigate the risk of complications.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Both prediabetic and diabetic patients can utilise the results of the HbA1c blood sugar test to inform adjustments in their lifestyle, such as dietary modifications and exercise regimens that can enhance blood sugar control and overall health outcomes.

How frequently should you undergo an HbA1c test?

The frequency of the HbA1c blood test can vary depending on individual health circumstances, treatment plans, and other risk factors.

  • Diabetic Individuals: If your blood sugar levels remain stable and within your target range, it's recommended to have the HbA1c blood test twice a year, equating to every six months. However, if your blood sugar levels fluctuate or are not within the desired range, it's advisable to undergo this test four times a year, on a quarterly basis. This also applies if you've recently altered your treatment regimen.
  • Prediabetic Individuals: If you've received a diagnosis of prediabetes, it's advisable to have an HbA1c blood test at least once a year. However, if you're at a high risk of developing diabetes or are actively working to lower your blood sugar levels, consider getting tested twice a year.
  • Pregnant Individuals: Pregnant women may opt for more frequent monitoring of their HbA1c levels, potentially on a monthly basis, to oversee blood sugar levels for the optimal development and health of their unborn child.
    Regular monitoring of HbA1c levels is essential for individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. It's always advisable to seek personalised advice from your doctor.

Foods and Supplements to Maintain Optimal HbA1c levels

A well-balanced diet plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal HbA1c levels, highlighting the importance of incorporating foods that support blood sugar regulation. Here's a selection of foods and supplements that could positively influence your HbA1c levels:

Foods For Blood Sugar Management:

  • Whole Grains: High in fibre, whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and whole-grain bread can help slow down sugar absorption into the bloodstream, promoting stable blood sugar levels.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: Vegetables like spinach, kale, and fenugreek leaves are rich in fibre, aiding in blood sugar regulation.
  • Lean Proteins: Including foods like chicken breast, tofu, and fish in your diet can assist in controlling blood sugar levels, as they have minimal impact on glucose levels.
  • Fruits: Berries, cherries, peaches, apricots, apples, oranges, and pears are beneficial choices due to their high fibre content and lower likelihood of causing blood sugar spikes.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds are low in digestible carbohydrates and high in fibre and healthy fats, contributing to improved heart health.

Supplements For Blood Sugar Management:

  • Magnesium: Low magnesium levels can exacerbate insulin resistance. Incorporating magnesium supplements into your diet can help maintain optimal glucose control.
  • Chromium: This mineral enhances insulin action, with studies suggesting that chromium supplements may have a positive impact on HbA1c levels.

Adopting a balanced diet that includes these food items and supplements can significantly improve blood sugar levels. Additionally, managing stress, engaging in regular exercise, and ensuring adequate sleep are vital factors in maintaining optimal HbA1c levels.

It's always advisable to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before making significant dietary changes or introducing new supplements, particularly if you have diabetes or other health conditions.

Booking the HbA1c test Online

Online healthcare services offer great convenience, especially for elderly individuals, expectant mothers, and those with limited mobility. Booking your HbA1c blood test through Apollo 24|7 is a simple process requiring just a few steps.

How to book an HbA1c test on Apollo 24|7?

1. Visit Apollo 24|7 Website or App: Begin by accessing the Apollo 24|7 website or downloading the user-friendly mobile app.

2. Search for HbA1c Test: Use the search box to locate the dedicated page for the 'HbA1c Test'.

3. Choose a Suitable Timing and Location: Upon selecting the 'HbA1c Test', you can choose a suitable date and time for blood sample collection. Many centres offer home sample collection at no additional charge.

4. Complete Your Booking: Enter all the necessary details and confirm your appointment to finalise the booking.

5. Wait For Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation message from Apollo 24|7 once your booking is successfully processed.

How to download the full body checkup test report online on Apollo 24|7?

Once your blood sample has been collected and analysed, follow these steps to access your report:

1. Check For Notification: Apollo 24|7 will notify you when your results are ready.

2. Visit Your Account: Log in to your account on the Apollo 24|7 website or mobile app.

3. Go To Reports Section: Navigate to the 'Reports' section where all your test results are stored.

4. Select 'HbA1c Blood Test': Locate your HbA1c test result, which will be available for viewing.

5. Download The Report: You will find an option to download and save your report for future reference or to share with your doctor.

faqFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Annual health checks are essential for preventive care. These checkups allow early detection of potential health issues, thus improving the prognosis. Annual checkups help assess the need for interventions or adjustments in the current treatment plan for pre-existing illnesses. This checkup can also help you save tax under section 80 D.
The HbA1c blood test, also known as the Glycated Haemoglobin test, is particularly advantageous for individuals with prediabetes as it aids in early detection. This test reveals the average blood sugar level over the past two to three months, providing a comprehensive overview of your health status. If you're prediabetic, this information could enable you and your doctor to devise an effective prevention plan, halting the progression towards diabetes.
Unlike several other blood tests, there is no requirement to fast before undergoing the HbA1c blood sugar test. This test assesses your average blood glucose level over the past few months, rather than immediate sugar levels in your blood.
There is no specific age limit for the HbA1c blood sugar test. Doctors generally recommend it for adults who are at risk of developing diabetes or who have already been diagnosed with diabetes. However, it can also be conducted on children if they exhibit symptoms of potential diabetes.
The time taken to generate a report after an HbA1c blood test may vary between different laboratories. Typically, results should be available within 24 to 48 hours.
For individuals with diabetes, doctors may suggest undergoing an HbA1c blood test at least twice a year. However, for those effectively managing their condition, once a year may suffice. In certain cases involving ongoing treatment or lifestyle modifications, more frequent testing may be recommended.
The cost of an HbA1c test varies depending on the location and the laboratory conducting the test. It is advisable to compare prices across different labs to find the most affordable option.
An HbA1c blood sugar test is recommended to aid in the monitoring and management of blood sugar levels in individuals diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It can also be utilised to diagnose prediabetes, assisting doctors in identifying at-risk patients and implementing preventive measures.
For individuals without diabetes, a normal HbA1c level typically falls below 5.7%. Levels between 5.7% and 6.4% indicate prediabetes, while a level at 6.5% or higher on two separate tests suggests diabetes.
Elevated levels of HbA1c indicate poor control over blood sugar levels and an increased risk of developing diabetes-related complications such as kidney disease, heart disease, stroke, neuropathy, and vision problems.
The acceptable 'target' level of HbA1c can vary depending on individual circumstances but generally falls below 7%. However, doctors determine specific targets based on factors such as age, duration of diabetes, overall health status, etc.

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Urea And Creatinine in Matunga East, Mumbai | Sodium - Serum in Matunga East, Mumbai | Electrolytes - Serum in Matunga East, Mumbai | Blood Group ABO And RH Factor in Matunga East, Mumbai | Thyroid Profile - Free (FT3, FT4, TSH) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Hiv Rapid in Matunga East, Mumbai | Hemogram in Matunga East, Mumbai | Ferritin in Matunga East, Mumbai | 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D (D2+D3) in Matunga East, Mumbai | SGPT/ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Widal Test ( Slide Method ) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Calcium - Serum in Matunga East, Mumbai | HBsAg Screening - Rapid in Matunga East, Mumbai | Testosterone (TOTAL) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Cholesterol - Serum in Matunga East, Mumbai | Peripheral Smear For Malarial Parasite (MP) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Basic Hormone Check in Matunga East, Mumbai | Dengue NS1 Antigen - Elisa in Matunga East, Mumbai | Prolactin in Matunga East, Mumbai | VDRL (RPR) in Matunga East, Mumbai

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Apollo Womens Health - Essential in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Vitamin Check - Advance in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Womens Health - Basic in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Thyroid Assessment - Essential in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo PCOD Basic in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Kidney Check - Basic in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Fever Panel - Essential in Matunga East, Mumbai | Essential Panel (Heart, Liver, Kidney and Sugar) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Vitamin Check - Essential in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Vitamin Check in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Full Body Check - Advance I in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Hairfall Check Advance Male in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Kidney Check - Advance in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Hairfall Check Advance Female in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Senior Citizens Care Female - Advance in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Diabetes Panel - Advance Male in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo PCOD Comprehensive in Matunga East, Mumbai | Apollo Womens Health - Advance in Matunga East, Mumbai | Free And Total Thyroid Profile (T3,T4, FT3, FT4,TSH) in Matunga East, Mumbai | Holistic Health Check for Women in Matunga East, Mumbai

Why should Apollo be your preferred healthcare partner?

  • 40 Years of legacy and credibility in the healthcare industry.
  • NABL certified multi-channel digital healthcare platform.
  • Affordable diagnostic solutions with timely and accurate test results.
  • Up to 60% discount on Doorstep Diagnostic Tests, Home Sample Collection.
  • An inventory of over 100+ laboratories, spread across the country, operating out of 120+ cities with 1200+ collection centers, serving over 1800+ pin codes.

The information mentioned above is meant for educational purposes only and should not be taken as a substitute to your Physician’s advice. It is highly recommended that the customer consults with a qualified healthcare professional to interpret test results