Apollo Thyroid Assessment - Basic in Santacruz East, Mumbai
No preparation required

General Physician/Internal Medicine
Test(s) Included (33)
Blood Studies (Anemia) (30)
Others (3)
*Conditional Tests: Testing of these is conditional depending on results of other tests



7 years & above
Curated by Dr Sudeep, Apollo Thyroid Assessment - Basic package consists of tests like TSH, T3, T4, and CBC, which are essential to identify the levels of thyroid hormones in the body. These tests are recommended for people suffering from or with a family history of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. People experiencing unexplained weight gain or loss should also take this test.
The thyroid is a gland present in the lower front of the neck. It regulates several biological processes, including energy generation, metabolism and mood/mental disposition.
Often, an individual's thyroid may not produce enough thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). When this happens, the person in question may experience significant weight gain, depression or a general lack of physical energy. This condition is clinically termed hypothyroidism.
Conversely, if the thyroid produces elevated levels of the two mentioned hormones, affected individuals may experience weight loss, tremors, and increased anxiety levels. This is known as hyperthyroidism.
Regardless of which condition is present, a thyroid function test can accurately assess any irregularities related to the gland. These clinical examinations typically involve a collection of individual medical assessments that analyse three primary hormones in the bloodstream. This includes:
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- Thyroxine (T4)
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
As such, Apollo 24|7 hosts a thyroid test package comprising 31 separate assessments analysing the three mentioned hormones (TSH, T3 & T4). The package also includes a Complete Blood Count (CBC), which is immensely beneficial for highlighting any complications related to haemoglobin, white blood cell, and red blood cell counts.
If you wish to opt for a thyroid test at home, you can use the Apollo 24|7 app to book the related package. Designated medical professionals will conduct the test at your residential premises and deliver the results within 72 hours.
Now, the hosted thyroid function test involves a preliminary examination of the TSH. This is done primarily to determine if a person suffers from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Subsequently, laboratory experts perform a T4 test to analyse the associated hormone. An elevated level is usually preceded by symptoms such as:
- Diarrhoea
- Unusual weight loss
- Physical tremors
- Unexplained anxiety
If the TSH results demonstrate hormone levels above 4.5 mIU/L and the test participant shows symptoms of hypothyroidism, a medical diagnosis is made for the same. Conversely, elevated TSH levels and clinical markers for hyperthyroidism indicate that a person suffers from the related condition.
Rarely, patients with hyperthyroidism may also suffer from an autoimmune condition called Grave's disease. This is precisely why a CBC is necessary to determine the presence of other related issues. In addition, since the CBC analyses white blood cell and red blood cell count, specific abnormalities in the immune system can be detected through such tests.
Nonetheless, it may be necessary to opt for additional medical examinations if the results from a thyroid test package indicate abnormalities in the gland. As such, these irregularities will usually manifest as the following symptoms:
- Persistent fatigue
- Hypersensitivity to cold and heat
- Muscle weakness, tremors and joint pain
- Dry skin & thinning hair
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Unusual weight gain or loss
- Frequent feelings of nervousness, irritation or anxiety
Thus, it is best to opt for a thyroid test at home periodically or at the earliest manifestation of the mentioned symptoms. That is the only way to prevent other existing medical conditions from worsening.