Apollo Liver Check - Advance in Pragathi Enclave, Hyderabad
10- 12 Hr fasting is required

Test(s) Included (75)
Heart (Cardiac) (16)
Hepatitis Screening (2)
Liver (12)
Infection (1)
Blood Studies (Anemia) (30)
Kidney (14)
*Conditional Tests: Testing of these is conditional depending on results of other tests



7 years & above
Curated by Dr Hussan, Apollo Liver Check - Advance package consists of tests like Australia antigen, anti-HCV, ceruloplasmin, prothrombin time, complete urine examination, electrolyte serum, and LFT, which are needed to ensure the proper functioning of your liver. These tests are usually recommended to those who consume excessive alcohol, have a family history of liver disease or are exposed to a hepatitis virus.
The liver is a vital organ that balances the chemical levels in the blood. The organ also acts as a filter for the body that works by processing the blood and breaking down toxins and harmful substances. The liver performs more than 500 critical functions to keep the body healthy.
Liver problems can impede the functioning of the organ, making it susceptible to diseases like liver cirrhosis and liver failure. Abnormalities can occur due to internal damage, infection, obesity and lifestyle factors. If left untreated for a long time, it can result in the scarring of the liver tissue causing end-stage liver disease. The condition develops over time, making quick detection challenging without liver tests.
A liver test is a must if you experience the following symptoms:
- Yellowish skin and white parts of the eye
- Itchy skin
- Swollen legs and ankles
- Pale colour of the stool
- Unexplained loss of appetite
- Easy bruising
- Dark coloured urine
- Abdominal pain
- Swelling in the abdomen
In the fatty liver package testing, the overall health of the liver is assessed. The package involves 66 tests to detect the reduced performance of the organ comprising of 7 categories:
1. Heart
- Prothrombin Time (PT/INR): It is a commonly ordered blood test used to assess the clotting ability of a patient's blood and monitor anticoagulant therapy's effectiveness.
- Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT): It is a blood test used to evaluate the coagulation pathway and to monitor the effectiveness of heparin therapy.
- Lipid Profile: This assessment includes evaluating the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, as both are known to affect the risk of liver disease.
2. Hepatitis Screening
- HBsAg/Australia antigen: This test identifies the presence of the detectable marker of hepatitis B infection causing liver damage.
- Anti HCV: It is a blood test used to detect the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus, which can indicate a past or current infection with the virus
3. Blood Studies
Complete Blood Count: This test provides a complete picture of the damage to the liver cells through observation of blood cells such as MCV, MCH, leukocytes etc.
4. Kidney
Renal Profile/Renal Function Test: In this profile test, the liver's ability to synthesise elements are analysed, including an assessment of creatinine, urea, calcium, chloride etc.
5. Liver
Liver Function Test: Liver function tests are blood tests that evaluate how well the liver is functioning by measuring levels of enzymes, proteins, and other substances produced by the liver.
6. Lungs
Ceruloplasmin - Serum: A ceruloplasmin serum test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the levels of ceruloplasmin, a protein that binds copper, in the blood.
7. Infection
Fibrinogen: It is a laboratory test used to measure the level of fibrinogen, a protein essential for blood clotting, in a patient's blood.
Constant monitoring of liver health is also essential in patients suffering from obesity, alcohol addiction, and viral hepatitis. The chances of liver damage increase in patients with poor lifestyles and dietary habits with age progression. Chronic stress can also result in liver injury by damaging hepatic tissue.
Apollo 24|7 provides extensive diagnosis options for liver health - advance tests through home sample collection and digitised healthcare assistance. The range of treatments can include:
- Lifestyle modifications, including alcohol and smoking cessation
- Medications
- Surgery
- Liver transplant