What is the helicase enzyme function?
The function of helicase enzyme is to seperate two strands of DNA. It is also known as the cutter. It helps in the formation of a replication fork.
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
Cirrhosis cannot usually be cured, but there are ways to manage the symptoms and any complications, and stop the condition getting worse.
It is not only high but also alarming. You are recommended to consult with a hepatologist at the earliest.
If you have acute liver failure, common complications include bacterial and fungal infection and low blood sugar. Swelling of the brain is another side effect of acute liver failure. It is also one of the most serious conditions. One may experience confusion, abdominal swelling, and abnormal bleeding. Consult with a hepatologist at the earliest.
High levels of liver enzymes GGT, ALT, and AST are predictive of disease and all cause mortality and can reflect liver injury, fatty liver, and/or oxidative stress.
SGOT and SGPT are normal up to 40 units, therefore, SGPT of 108 and SGOT of 54 are mildly high and indicate hepatocellular damage. Although it is not dangerous however a consultation with a doctor might help you know the root cause.
Hepatic Function Test, HFT, LFT
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