Is one of the symptoms of diabetes an itchy back?
Itchy skin can be a sign of diabetes especially if other symptoms are also present and blood sugar levels are elevated from prolonged time.
Last updated on 10 May 2022
Each person's story and journey of handling diabetes is different. One thing which is mostly common is that with good diet, lifestyle changes, exercise and medications, most patients could lead almost a healthy lifestyle.
Insulin can be injected into the fat just below your skin with a syringe and needle or a penlike device that hold insulin with a needle attached.
Persistent high sugars increase the risk of organ damage and complications of Diabetes mellitus. Sometimes, patient may even land up in emergency such as diabetic ketoacidosis.
Prefer foods lower in fats, sugar/salt and calories and higher in fiber. Focus on fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. Regular physical activity, take medicines and have regular doctors visits.
No,it is not always possible that the disease skips a generation.
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