How do you get active with kidney disease?
Prefer foods lower in fats, sugar/salt and calories and higher in fiber. Focus on fruits, green vegetables and whole grains. Regular physical activity, take medicines and have regular doctors visits.
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
Diabetes is condition for which exact cause is unknown. Although being unhealthy interms of obesity and other comorbid conditions increase the risk of developing diabetes, there are other causes such as family history/ presence of autoantibodies/ polycystic ovarian syndrome etc which increase the risk.
Diabetes affects nerves which reduce one's sensitivity to pain from wound leading to repetitive traumas, wounds can get infected which may not heal fastly due to reduced blood supply. Sometimes, a bad infection never heals. The infection might lead to gangrene and amputation.
High sugar levels causes blood vessel damage, vascular remodelling leading to increased peripheral artery resistance. Also, body fluid volume increases in response to insulin resistance-induced hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Both increased peripheral vascular resistance and body fluid volume lead to increase in systemic blood pressure causing Hypertension.
Regaining weight must be under dietician observation with balanced nutritious meals.
Common causes include birth defects, hereditary diseases, infection, nephrotic syndrome, systemic diseases, trauma and urine blockage or reflux
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