I've noticed my period is 15 days late, and my cycle is typically 28 days like clockwork. This is the first time I've experienced this delay, and I'm a bit worried. Could you help me understand what might be causing this?
Causes_ 1. *Hormonal Imbalance*: Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can disrupt your menstrual cycle. 2. *Stress*: Physical or emotional stress can affect hormone production, leading to late periods. 3. *Weight Changes*: Significant weight gain or loss can impact hormone production and menstrual cycles. 4. *Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)*: A hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods. 5. *Thyroid Issues*: An underactive or overactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) can affect menstrual cycles. 6. *Other Medical Conditions*: Certain conditions, such as diabetes, pituitary tumors, or premature ovarian failure, can also cause late periods. _Diagnostic Tests_ 1. *Pregnancy Test*: To rule out pregnancy as a cause for late periods. 2. *Thyroid Function Tests*: To check for thyroid hormone imbalances. 3. *Hormone Level Tests*: To assess estrogen and progesterone levels. 4. *Pelvic Examination*: To check for any abnormalities in the reproductive organs. 5. *Ultrasound*: To evaluate the ovaries and uterus. _Treatment Options_ 1. *Hormonal Medications*: To regulate hormone levels and induce menstruation. 2. *Birth Control Pills*: To regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels. 3. *Fertility Medications*: To stimulate ovulation and menstruation. 4. *Lifestyle Changes*: Maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and exercising regularly. _Advice_ 1. *Consult a Gynecologist*: To determine the underlying cause of your late period and receive personalized guidance. 2. *Keep a Menstrual Diary*: To track your periods, symptoms, and any changes. 3. *Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle*: Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.