I'm really worried about my dad. He recently had an acute heart attack, and he's 68. Thankfully, he's stable now, but he's also dealing with diabetes. We consulted a cardiologist and decided not to do the angiography because his serum creatinine leve...
Pulmovac is a vaccine that helps in preventing pneumonia, which is important in individuals with heart conditions to reduce the risk of respiratory infections. Vomimp is a vaccine that helps in preventing influenza, which is crucial in maintaining overall health and reducing the risk of complications in individuals with heart problems. Both vaccines are generally safe and well-tolerated, with common side effects being mild and temporary such as redness or swelling at the injection site, low-grade fever, or body aches. It is recommended for your father to follow the cardiologist's advice and get vaccinated to protect his heart health. The dosage and schedule for these vaccines will be provided by the healthcare provider administering them.