I've been having this burning sensation when I pee, mostly in the mornings. It's way worse if I've had alcohol the night before. I've had my urine checked a couple of times, and there was a small infection. But if it's an infection, why isn't it going away? Its been nearly a year now. What could be going on with me?
Pregnancy Despite "Safe Days"_
1. _Ovulation variability_: Ovulation can occur at different times each month, making it difficult to predict exact "safe days."
2. _Sperm longevity_: Sperm can survive inside the female reproductive tract for up to 5 days, increasing the chances of fertilization.
3. _Fertilization window_: The fertilization window can last up to 24 hours after ovulation.
_Sylate (Contraceptive Pill) and Pregnancy_
1. _Single pill omission_: Missing a single pill, even if it's the only one, can increase the risk of pregnancy.
2. _Hormonal imbalance_: The contraceptive pill works by regulating hormones. Missing a pill can disrupt this balance.
_Next Steps_
1. _Confirm pregnancy_: Schedule a follow-up appointment with your healthcare provider to confirm the pregnancy.
2. _Prenatal care_: Begin prenatal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
3. _Discuss birth control options_: Talk to your healthcare provider about birth control options for future use.