Hey, I've been having this left chest pain for a year now. I've done a TMT test and it came back negative. In the past year, I've had a 2D echo done 3 times and about 40 ECGs, all normal, but the pain is still there on the left side of my chest. Even...
Since your TMT test was negative and your ECGs have been normal, it's good to hear that your cholesterol, sugar levels, blood pressure, liver function, urine test, and renal test are all normal. Given your concerns and persistent symptoms, the next step would be to consider a stress echocardiogram to further evaluate your heart's function under stress conditions. This test can provide more detailed information compared to a standard 2D echo. Additionally, considering your fear and anxiety, it may be helpful to consult with a cardiologist for a more comprehensive evaluation and to address your worries. It's important to address both the physical and emotional aspects of your health.