I've been having these chest pains that come and gosometimes they're just a few seconds, other times they last for a few hours. It's mostly around the left side of my chest, but I don't have any trouble breathing, even after running, and there's no p...
"Chest pain on the left side that lasts for a few seconds to a few hours and no breathing issues after running could be due to musculoskeletal pain, anxiety, or even heart-related issues. Since Pantoprazole has not been effective, I recommend trying over-the-counter pain relievers like Acetaminophen at a dose of 500mg to 1000mg every 4-6 hours as needed for pain. Additionally, you can try a muscle relaxant like Cyclobenzaprine at a dose of 5mg to 10mg three times a day. If the pain persists or worsens, it is important to seek further evaluation from a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and management."