I'm taking Betacap TR 40 in the morning, but my BP is still high and can't be controlled. I've been feeling dizzy for a few days, and yesterday I had a root canal done. Today, my blood pressure is 150110, and I'm not sure what's going on. Can you help me figure out what to do next?
I can't know the exact reason for your high blood pressure without a proper examination, but considering your symptoms and recent dental procedure, it is possible that the pain and stress from the root canal treatment may have contributed to the elevated blood pressure. I would recommend you to continue taking Betacap TR 40 as prescribed, and also consider adding an additional medication like Telma 40 (Telmisartan) once daily to help control your blood pressure. Additionally, try to manage your stress levels, get an adequate amount of rest, and follow a healthy diet low in salt and saturated fats. It is important to monitor your blood pressure regularly and follow up with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.