I'm really worried after a recent experience. I had sex with a prostitute, the condom broke, and I don't know her STD status. About a week later, I noticed genital warts. I've been using Monolox antibiotics, Flonida cream, and Supirocin ointment daily. Even though Flonida is meant to be used twice a week, I started using it daily after two weeks. Now, after three weeks, I see more swelling and redness around the opening of my penis. Could this be an STD, or maybe it's because of how the Flonida cream is affecting my skin? When I apply it, the foreskin touches the tip of my penis. I'm really anxiousis this a sign of herpes? What type of doctor should I consult?
It sounds like the swelling and redness you're experiencing could be related to the use of Flonida cream, especially if it is coming into contact with sensitive areas like the tip of your penis. However, since genital warts and other STDs can present with similar symptoms, I strongly recommend consulting a **dermatologist** or a **venereologist** (specialist in sexually transmitted diseases) for a proper diagnosis and to rule out any concerns like herpes or other infections. It's important to get a professional opinion for peace of mind.