I'm really worried about this pain in my right testicle after I masturbate. I usually keep it to once or twice a week, so I don't think I'm overdoing it. I'm also dealing with premature ejaculation and I'm wondering if there's something natural I can try to help with both issues. Any advice?
You can try taking over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen. Additionally, applying a cold pack to the area may help reduce inflammation and pain. Make sure to rest and avoid any activities that worsen the pain. For premature ejaculation, you can try natural remedies such as behavioral techniques (such as the start-stop technique or the squeeze technique), pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises), and certain herbs like ashwagandha or ginseng. You can also consider using lidocaine sprays or condoms to reduce sensitivity. If the symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and management.