I'm wondering if my blood pressure readings like 120125 over 6065 are considered normal. I've been having some health and heart anxiety. I went to a cardiologist, and everything like the echo and ECG came back normal, but they still prescribed me Cip...
The medications prescribed to you, Ciplar (propranolol), Stalopam (escitalopram), and Trinerve (multivitamin supplement), indicate that your doctor may have prescribed them for anxiety and to support your overall health. Propranolol is commonly used to treat anxiety symptoms by reducing heart rate and blood pressure. While yoga and meditation can be helpful in managing anxiety, it is important to follow your doctor's advice regarding medication. If you wish to explore non-pharmacological methods, you can incorporate yoga and meditation into your daily routine alongside your prescribed treatment. It's essential to discuss any changes or concerns with your doctor before making adjustments to your treatment plan.