I'm really concerned about this constant feeling of something pulling in the middle of my stomach between my ribs, and it's paired with heavy breathing. It's been happening for about three months now. I've had tests like Troponin, Stress Echo, X-ray of my chest and lungs, and an ultrasound, and everything came back normal. I've consulted a cardiologist, pulmonologist, and radiologist, but nothing seems to help. A bit of my background: Ive been taking Tolol XR25 for high blood pressure for a few years now and tried gastritis medicine like PanD for the past month, as suggested by my doctor, but it didnt work. My blood and urine tests are mostly normal except for a few things my Bilirubin is 1.99 mgdL, Vitamin D is 55 nmolL, Vitamin B12 is 177 pgmL, Apo A1 is 95 mgdL, and Apo B is 37 mgdL. Sometimes my hands shake, and I feel really lethargic all day, with heavy, labored breathing. I'm constantly aware of my stomach because of this. Can you help me figure out what's going on?