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  5. I'm a bit concerned about my recent test results and was hoping you could help clarify. I did a 2D echo test, but I'm not sure what counts as normal results for that. Also, I ran for 12 minutes on a stress test machine and I'm wondering what the normal results should look like for that. Can you explain what these tests mean and what I should be looking out for?

I'm a bit concerned about my recent test results and was hoping you could help clarify. I did a 2D echo test, but I'm not sure what counts as normal results for that. Also, I ran for 12 minutes on a stress test machine and I'm wondering what the normal results should look like for that. Can you explain what these tests mean and what I should be looking out for?


I'm a bit concerned about my recent test results and was hoping you could help clarify. I did a 2D echo test, but I'm not sure what counts as normal results for that. Also, I ran for 12 minutes on a stress test machine and I'm wondering what the normal results should look like for that. Can you explain what these tests mean and what I should be looking out for?

2D ECHO report normal--Normal LVRV Systolic function,no pericardial effusion, no IVC plethora,ascending aort dilated,mild mitral valve prolapse , no mitral regurgitation, normal LV function,,, tmt normal report---thread mill sress test--Less than 5 METS is poor, 5-8 METS is fair ,,9-11 METS is good,, 12 METS is excellent .

Last updated on 22 Jan 2025


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