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  5. I need to abort my baby at 22 weeks and Im really stressed out about this whole situation. My husband lied to me about his past, he was already married and has a family, and I just found out. I feel I cant handle this alone. Hes been pushing me to abort the baby and his first wife is also putting pressure on me, telling me to leave him and my in-laws. I feel so trapped and overwhelmed and sometimes I think about suicide but I can't go through with it. My parents have passed away and I have no one to turn to. Can you help me figure out what I should do?

I need to abort my baby at 22 weeks and Im really stressed out about this whole situation. My husband lied to me about his past, he was already married and has a family, and I just found out. I feel I cant handle this alone. Hes been pushing me to abort the baby and his first wife is also putting pressure on me, telling me to leave him and my in-laws. I feel so trapped and overwhelmed and sometimes I think about suicide but I can't go through with it. My parents have passed away and I have no one to turn to. Can you help me figure out what I should do?


I need to abort my baby at 22 weeks and Im really stressed out about this whole situation. My husband lied to me about his past, he was already married and has a family, and I just found out. I feel I cant handle this alone. Hes been pushing me to abort the baby and his first wife is also putting pressure on me, telling me to leave him and my in-laws. I feel so trapped and overwhelmed and sometimes I think about suicide but I can't go through with it. My parents have passed away and I have no one to turn to. Can you help me figure out what I should do?

I empathize with your distressing situation; however, I must emphasize that abortion laws and regulations vary by country and region. In many places, abortion after 20 weeks of gestation is heavily restricted or prohibited. I strongly encourage you to reach out to a trusted healthcare provider, a crisis helpline, or a support organization for guidance and emotional suppor

Last updated on 23 Jan 2025


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