I bumped the top of my head hard last night under a garage door. There was no loss of consciousness, no bleeding, or vomiting, but I have a burning sensation and a slight headache. The ER doctor said it wasnt a concussion, but Im still worried about internal bleeding. Should I be concerned, and is it okay to continue taking birth control pills right now?
Monitoring for Internal Bleeding_1. Watch for worsening headache: If your headache worsens or becomes severe, seek immediate medical attention.2. Look for other symptoms: Monitor for symptoms like:- Dizziness or loss of balance- Nausea or vomiting- Blurred vision or sensitivity to light- Confusion or disorientation- Weakness or numbness in arms or legs3. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience:- Sudden severe headache- Difficulty speaking or swallowing- Weakness or paralysis in face, arm, or leg- Vision changes or double vision_Birth Control Pills_As a precautionary measure, consider stopping your birth control pills temporarily until you're cleared by your doctor. Birth control pills can increase the risk of blood clots, which may be a concern if you have internal bleeding._Follow-up_Schedule a follow-up appointment with your primary care physician or a neurologist within the next 24-48 hours to reassess your symptoms and determine the best course of action.