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Best Diabetologists in khanpur ahmedabad ahmedabad (112 doctors)

Book appointment for a trusted Diabetologists in Khanpur Ahmedabad Ahmedabad. Check doctor fees, available slots & locations. Apollo 24|7 features some of the top Diabetologists in Khanpur Ahmedabad Ahmedabad who have experience in treating conditions such as Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes, Obesity, Anemia and more. You can book online consultations & physical doctor appointments via Apollo 24|7. Compare Diabetologists fees, experience and more, find a specialist doctor near you. Apollo hospitals has a renowned Diabetology department in Khanpur Ahmedabad Ahmedabad.

Dr. Rajendran N, Diabetologist

Dr. Rajendran N


43 Years • MD (Internal Medicine)


Apollo Hospitals Greams Road, Chennai



100+ recommendations


90 Cashback

Dr. Mahima Darda, General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist

Dr. Mahima Darda

General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist

9 Years • MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine), Dip (Geriatrics)


Dr. Mmahima Darda (Sciatica and back pain specialist), Pune


Can I visit a diabetologist for my diabetes or should I visit an endocrinologist?

You can visit any of them as both are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. Most diabetologists are endocrinologists who have taken specialised training in diabetes.

What kinds of diabetes can diabetologists treat?

Diabetologists can treat all types of diabetes including insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes, and diabetes insipidus.

What are the types of tests that a diabetologist recommend?

Some of the tests that can be recommended by diabetologist are fasting blood sugar test, oral glucose tolerance test, random blood sugar test, and glycated haemoglobin test.