What lifestyle changes can help improve liver health?
Lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, and avoiding red meat and refined sugar products can help improve liver health.
Last updated on 09 Aug 2023
LDH exists in 5 isoenzymes. Each isoenzyme has a slightly different structure and is found in different concentrations in different tissues. For example, LDH-1 is found mostly in red blood cells and heart muscle. LDH-3 is concentrated in the lungs, although it is also found in other tissues.
Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver. Exercise decreases stress on the liver, increases energy levels and helps to prevent obesity, a risk factor for liver disease. Aim for a total of 150 minutes of exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming per week.
The SGPT or Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase is one of the enzymes found in the liver. The normal range of SGPT is 7 to 56 units per liter of blood serum. High levels of enzymes in the liver can indicate that your liver is not functioning well. Consult with a doctor at the earliest.
Last updated on 08 Aug 2023
Painkillers can cause liver enzymes to be elevated. Hence you are recommended to take them only if your doctor has prescribed you to take so.
The normal range of an SGOT test is generally between 8 and 45 units per liter of serum. If your reports indicate 30 then you are fine.
Hepatic Function Test, HFT, LFT
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