My wife is 26 and we're planning on having kids soon, but her haemoglobin level is pretty low. It went from 7.9 last month to 8.7 now. She's already eating lentils, beans, an apple, milk, groundnuts, and spinach juice every day. Plus, she's on a routine diet of chapatis with veg curry and rice. Do you think her current diet is enough to boost her haemoglobin levels? How long does it usually take to get back to a normal level? Should we consider some injections if diet alone isn't improving things fast enough?
Burning Sensation after Urination_
1. _Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)*: The presence of infection in your urine tests suggests a UTI.
2. _Recurring UTI*: The persistence of symptoms for almost a year indicates a recurring UTI.
_Possible Reasons for Persistent Symptoms_
1. _Incomplete treatment*: If the infection is not fully cleared, symptoms can persist.
2. _Antibiotic resistance*: The bacteria may have developed resistance to the antibiotics used to treat the infection.
3. _Underlying medical conditions*: Conditions like diabetes, kidney stones, or an enlarged prostate can increase the risk of UTIs.
4. _Hormonal changes*: Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle or menopause can affect the urinary tract.
_Alcohol Consumption_
1. _Increased risk*: Alcohol can irritate the bladder and increase the risk of UTIs.
_Next Steps_
1. _Consult a urologist*: Schedule an appointment with a urologist to discuss your symptoms and treatment options.
2. _Comprehensive urine test*: Request a comprehensive urine test, including a urine culture, to identify the underlying cause of the infection.
3. _Imaging tests*: Your doctor may recommend imaging tests, such as a CT scan or ultrasound, to rule out any underlying conditions.
4. _Lifestyle changes*: Make lifestyle changes, such as drinking plenty of water, avoiding alcohol, and practicing good hygiene.