I've had this issue with breathing for the past 15 to 20 years, and it's really been bothering me. Sometimes I can take a deep breath through my nose and mouth, but other times it feels like I just can't breathe deeply at all. My nose gets blocked frequently, and even after using Vicks, it opens up but doesn't quite give me that 'free' feeling of breathing. Also, when I sleep on my stomach, food often comes up to my throat, causing me to choke and wake up. My stomach feels bloated for hours as well. I've been told it might be anxiety, but I'm not sure. I can comfortably climb up to three floors, but anything more leaves me breathless. I've done an ECG, ABH test, BP check, and even a chest x-ray which showed some congestion but everything else was normal. Stress tests from six years ago were normal too, and I still struggle to understand what's going on. Could this really be anxiety, or could there be something else affecting my breathing?