I'm a bit worried about my heart health and I recently had an echocardiogram done. I've heard of things like incomplete and complete RBBB, but I'm not sure how I can tell which one I have from the report. Can you help me understand what to look for t...
To determine if your right bundle branch block (RBBB) is incomplete or complete, you would need to look at specific criteria on an ECG report. Incomplete RBBB typically shows a QRS duration of 100-120 ms, while complete RBBB shows a QRS duration greater than 120 ms. Additionally, complete RBBB usually has a wide, slurred S wave in leads I, aVL, V5, and V6. On an echocardiogram report, signs of RBBB may include right ventricular hypertrophy, delayed activation of the right ventricle, and abnormal motion of the interventricular septum. However, the definitive diagnosis of RBBB is made through an ECG rather than an echocardiogram. If you suspect RBBB based on your echocardiogram report, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.