I've been having this odd pinching sensation on my left side, and my doctor suggested getting a 2D Echo and an ECG. They said everything came back normal, but now I'm finding it harder to breathe. I'm not really sure what's going on. Can anyone offer...
Based on the symptoms you are experiencing and the normal results of your 2d Echo and Ecg, it is possible that you may be dealing with a respiratory issue. I recommend trying an inhaler such as Salbutamol (Ventolin) 100mcg, 2 puffs as needed for shortness of breath. Additionally, you can consider using a steroid inhaler like Fluticasone (Flovent) 100mcg, 2 puffs twice a day to help with any underlying inflammation in the airways. It would also be beneficial to follow up with your doctor for further evaluation and possible pulmonary function tests.