I've been experiencing a burning sensation in my food pipe for a few days now. My doctor advised me to get an endoscopy, and it turns out I have an H. pylori infection and some erosions. The doctor prescribed Pantocid HP for 14 days, and I'm currently on the 7th day. I'm still having that burning feeling in my food pipe and stomach. I'm curious to know how long it usually takes for patients to feel relief. Also, should I be taking the Pantocid HP before or after meals?
The treatment for Helicobacter Pylori infection can take more than 14 days. The burning sensation in your throat is a symptom of that infection, which can be manageable through use of antacid tablets and gels, such as Mucaine, Gelusil, Pantocid, or Omez. There is no fixed time after which all patients will invariably feel relief. Some patients respond faster to medication, while some require longer time durations with recalibration of medication and lifestyle modification. Pantocid tablets are to be take 15-30 minutes before food.