I've been dealing with some health issues for a while now and I'm getting a bit concerned. It's been nearly 80 days since I first had a fever and lost my sense of smell, although those symptoms have improved. My CBC, ESR, and CRP tests came back normal, but about two weeks after my initial symptoms started, I began experiencing chest pain. The chest pain has mostly gone away, but every now and then it returns, and I still feel this tightness and heaviness in my chest. I haven't had any shortness of breath, and my SpO2 levels are between 96 and 98 after a six-minute walk. An ECG has been done, and the cardiologist said it's normal, diagnosing the pain as muscular. I just had a chest X-ray today, and I'm curious if it's normal. Also, my left nostril sometimes gets blocked, making it difficult to breathe comfortably. Can you please help me understand when I might start feeling like myself again?