I've been dealing with asthma for over 8 years now and my doctor prescribed me a budesonide formoterol inhaler. Things have improved a bit, but I still have to use it, especially in winter. I just got over COVID about two weeks ago, but I've been noticing that if I sleep with the fan on high and no blanket, I get breathing issues because of the cold. This even happens during the summer. I always need a blanket when I sleep. Last night, around 3am, I had a breathing problem and tightness in my chest. My oxygen level was 89, but it went back above 93 after I turned off the fan and used a blanket. During the day, my oxygen is above 95. I'm worried because my oxygen levels drop at night. I've had this issue since I was a child, but back then, I didnt have a way to monitor my SpO2. Is this normal in asthma?