My dad's 66 and dealing with some BP issues like today, it's at 170100. He's had asthma for a couple of years and some sleep issues, plus he gets shortness of breath when sleeping. He's been using a CPAP machine for about a year now, but it doesn't ...
It sounds like your father is experiencing difficulty in controlling his blood pressure and is also facing challenges with his sleep quality and asthma symptoms. The symptoms of dizziness, uneasiness, and elevated blood pressure after taking morning medications may be due to the side effects of the drugs or interactions between them. Considering his current medication regimen and symptoms, it may be beneficial to consult with his healthcare provider for a review and possible adjustment of his medications. In the meantime, it is important to ensure that he is taking his medications as prescribed and at the correct times. In addition, to address his sleep quality issues with the CPAP machine, he may benefit from using a humidifier attachment to the CPAP machine to help alleviate dry air irritation that could be contributing to his cough and disrupted sleep. For his asthma symptoms, it is important to continue using the prescribed inhalers and medications as directed by his healthcare provider. If he continues to experience asthma symptoms, a review of his asthma treatment plan may be necessary. Overall, it is important to closely monitor his symptoms and blood pressure readings, and communicate any concerns or changes to his healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.