I'm really worried because it's been over 20 days and I just can't seem to sneeze. The issue began when my coworker jokingly hit me hard on the belly after lunch, and I had stomach pain for about 1.5 days after that. Normally, I sneeze around 23 times a day, but ever since then, it's like my nose starts the sneeze feeling, but my lungs just don't follow through. I've heard that sneezing helps get rid of dust particles at 320 kmph, so I'm concerned there might be serious health problems if I can't sneeze. I've even tried things like dusting the house and sniffing black pepper to bring on a sneeze, but nothing works. Could this just be something time will fix on its own, or should I be doing something specific to help? I'm feeling pretty anxious about it all. Any advice would be really helpful.