I'm really worried about some readings I found on my report. It says HR82 BPM, QRS DUR99 ms, QTc interval is 411 ms, and PR interval is 122 ms. My resting heart rate is listed as 724 ms QT, and something called QTc 85 QT RR 48 PQRST at zero degrees. I don't quite understand what all these mean. Should I be concerned about my heart health with these numbers?
The information you provided indicates an ECG report showing a heart rate of 82 beats per minute, QRS duration of 99 milliseconds, QT interval of 350 milliseconds, QTc interval of 411 milliseconds, PR interval of 122 milliseconds, RR interval of 724 milliseconds, QTcQT ratio of 85%, and QTRR ratio of 48%. The P wave, QRS complex, and T wave are all within normal limits at 0 degrees. Based on the ECG findings, there are no specific medications recommended. It would be advisable to follow up with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management if needed.