I'm really confused and concerned about this pinkish sputum I've been noticing in the mornings. None of the tests so far have pinpointed what's causing it. My PNS CT scan doesn't show any major sinus issues, and both my chest CT scan and nasal and throat endoscopies came back normal. The only thing they found was some minor erosions in my esophagus during the endoscopy, which got me a grade A diagnosis and some medications. But even with medication, the pinkish sputum hasn't gone away. My doctor mentioned it's unlikely the blood would come from my esophagus to my mouth. I've also done a CBC blood test, and everything looks normal. When this all started, I had mild rhinitis symptoms, and my ENT suggested it might be an allergy, so I took 1 zadonase and nasal spray for a month, but that didn't help either. I'm just at a loss and looking for any advice or insight you might have on this. What else could it be, or what should I consider looking into next?