I'm looking for some advice regarding my mom's health. About a year and a half ago, she had a heart attack and went through angiography and angioplasty, where they found a blockage and put in a stent. Since then, we've been going for regular checkups, and her health reports have been mostly fine. But recently, her blood report showed her creatinine levels were at 2.47, which the doctor said might be due to heavy medication. They suggested that stopping the medication could reverse this and help her kidneys recover. After consulting a nephrologist, she started on a new treatment and diet plan, and her creatinine levels went down to 1.79 and then to 1.59. Even though her creatinine is decreasing, I'm worried because she's still experiencing swelling. Could there be another issue that's causing this? What should we be looking into or asking at her next appointment?