I'm going through a bit of a rough patch physically and am seeking advice. Recently, I've been feeling shortness of breath both when I'm walking and even at rest. My throat is dry and hoarse, maybe because of a cold? I'm really not sure. I've been feeling feverish, but my temperature is normal, and I'm experiencing body pains while feeling super sleepy all the time. I'm supposed to get my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine soon, but with all these symptoms, is it safe to go ahead with the vaccine? Also, about 10 days ago, I accidentally ran into a closed glass door and got hurt on my forehead and nose. Although I didn't experience any vomiting, since then I've felt feverish and my eyes have been aching. I had trouble sleeping for a few days, so I started using clonazepam about three days ago, but I stopped two days ago, yet I'm still feeling overly sleepy. I need to get my second Covishield vaccine dose because I have to travel abroad on the 28th. I came to India on November 28th, and my RT-PCR was negative at the time. Could all these symptoms be linked to the incident with the door, or is something else going on that's causing the shortness of breath? Looking for some guidance.