I'm dealing with a burning sensation all over my body and it feels like nerve pain, with pins and needles, and sometimes it feels like a heat wave inside. I've also got nerve pain in my jaw. I've been told I might have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome by one doctor in NZ, and a neurologist mentioned Central Pain Syndrome. I'm really concerned and a bit confused about these diagnoses. Could you explain what they mean and how they differ? Also, what can I do to manage or reduce these symptoms?
Approximately 80% of patients with CRPS type I achieve complete, spontaneous relief of signs and symptoms within 18 months; however, no diagnostic criteria have been shown to predict which patients will fall into this category. Some of the patients whose symptoms do not resolve spontaneously may still be cured by treatment.
Of the patients who develop refractory CRPS type I, 50-80% have disability secondary to pain andor a limited range of motion. The main disabilities are limitations in their activities of daily living (ADL).