I'm a bit worried since my scan showed a polyp in my gall bladder. Is this similar to a stone, or is it more like an overgrown cell?
Boil on Foot
_Healing Process_
1. _Self-limiting_: Most boils heal on their own within 1-3 weeks.
2. _Warm compresses_: Applying warm compresses can help bring the pus to a head and encourage drainage.
_When to See a Doctor_
1. _Severe symptoms_: If you experience severe pain, swelling, redness, or pus.
2. _No improvement_: If the boil doesn't improve or worsens within 1-2 weeks.
3. _Recurring boils_: If you get recurring boils or have a weakened immune system.
4. _Fever or chills_: If you have a fever or chills, which can indicate a more serious infection.
_Home Remedies_
1. _Warm compresses_: Apply warm compresses 3-4 times a day.
2. _Keep clean_: Keep the affected area clean and dry.
3. _Avoid squeezing_: Avoid squeezing or popping the boil, as this can lead to infection.