I'm a bit worried because I've noticed small red spots on the inner head of my penis. They showed up about 23 days after I had oral sex, and they're giving me a slight sensation. Could you please let me know what this might be and what steps I should take?
The small red spots on the inner head of your penis, accompanied by a slight sensation, may be caused by several factors related to oral sex. Here are some possible explanations:
*Possible Causes*
1. *Irritation or Allergic Reaction*: Your partner's mouth or saliva might have caused irritation or an allergic reaction, leading to red spots and discomfort.
2. *Cuts or Micro-Trauma*: Minor cuts or micro-trauma during oral sex can cause red spots and sensitivity.
3. *STDs or STIs*: Certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections (STIs), such as herpes, syphilis, or gonorrhea, can cause red spots or sores on the genitals.
4. *Balanitis*: This is an inflammation of the glans penis, often caused by poor hygiene, irritation, or infection.
*Next Steps*
1. *Consult a Doctor*: Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician, urologist, or a dermatologist to evaluate the red spots and determine the underlying cause.
2. *Get Tested for STDsSTIs*: Even if you're in a monogamous relationship, it's essential to get tested for STDsSTIs to rule out any potential infections.
3. *Practice Good Hygiene*: Maintain good genital hygiene, and avoid any further irritation or trauma to the affected area.
4. *Abstain from Sexual Activity*: Avoid any sexual activity until you've consulted a doctor and received proper guidance.