I'm a bit concerned because I had a cough and cold for a few days, and then I got a fever, which hit a really high of around 103.5. I took Azithromycin 500 for five days, and thankfully, the fever is gone now. But on the last day of taking the antibiotics, I ended up coughing up blood twice, though it was just a couple of spots and it stopped the next day. Its been two days now, and I havent had any more bleeding. Ive attached some pictures that show the bloody phlegm, but now I'm not coughing any blood. The blood I saw was mixed with mucus. I also had a chest X-ray, and it showed mildly prominent bronchovascular markings and a horizontal fissure. Do you think I need a CT scan, or is this something normal that happens? I'm really worried about this.