I'm 23 years old and I've noticed that my foreskin is attached to the tip of my penis, and it's painful when I try to pull it back. I'm really anxious about getting a circumcision, so I'm wondering if there's any other way to detach the foreskin. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Phimosis refers to the inability to retract the distal foreskin over the glans penis. Pathologic phimosis defines an inability to retract the foreskin after it was previously retractible or after puberty, usually secondary to distal scarring of the foreskin.
Paraphimosis is the entrapment of a retracted foreskin behind the coronal sulcus. Paraphimosis is a disease of uncircumcised or partially circumcised males....Up to 95% of cases of phimosis have been shown to respond to application of topical steroids to the preputial orifice, although some studies have suggested that this response rate may decline several months after the regimen is completed. An initial attempt at medical intervention has been shown to reduce costs by 27.3% in comparison with primary circumcision as a treatment...consult nearest urologist they will help you further