How can I prevent a stroke?
Eat well, Stay Active,Say no to Smoking and drugs,Control your blood pressure,Maintain you BP 120/80 and monitor the BP regularly incase if your Hypertensive. Maintain you sugar and cholestrol level .
Last updated on 12 Dec 2024
ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic shock, transient ischemic attack
Stroke symptoms typically last more than 24 hours, and may or may not resolve, even with therapy. Some stroke symptoms may never resolve or get better. Symptoms can begin to resolve in about 1 to 5 minutes, which is typical, but some may take about 24 hours to resolve.
A pre stroke is also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). It is nothing but a small stroke. It is experienced when blood supply to brain is stopped for a very short period. Its effects may be experienced for a few hours or for a few minutes. The symptoms usually subside within 24 hours. They begin rapidly, and they go away very soon.
weakness, numbness, confusion, slurred speech, depression, trouble sleeping
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