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Dr. S Ananth

Dr. S Ananth

General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist

35+ years experience

General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist 35+ Years Exp.

MBBS Diplomate NB MD MAMS FIMSA FRCP | Apollo Hospitals Cancer Centre Nandanam

Apollo Hospitals Cancer Centre Nandanam

About Dr. S Ananth

  • Dr. S Ananth is a General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist with 35 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with Apollo Hospitals Cancer Centre Nandanam in Chennai. Dr. S Ananth holds MBBS Diplomate NB MD MAMS FIMSA FRCP. He speaks English, Tamil.
  • Dr. S Ananth has over 35 years of experience as a General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist at Apollo Hospitals Cancer Centre Nandanam.

Education & Work Experience





Where does Dr. S Ananth practice?

Dr. S Ananth practices at Apollo Hospitals Cancer Centre Nandanam in Chennai.

How can I book an appointment with Dr. S Ananth?

You can book an appointment online via the Apollo 24|7 website or app by selecting an available slot.

What do patients say about Dr. S Ananth?

Most patients recomment Dr. S Ananth. He is highly rated by patients for their expertise and compassionate care.

What is Dr. S Ananth's educational qualification?

Dr. S Ananth holds MBBS Diplomate NB MD MAMS FIMSA FRCP, and specializes in General Physician/ Internal Medicine Specialist.

How many years of experience does Dr. S Ananth have?

Dr. S Ananth has over 35 years of experience in General Physician/ Internal Medicine.

What is Dr. S Ananth's medical specialty?

Dr. S Ananth specializes in General Physician/ Internal Medicine, offering expert care in this field for more than 35 years.

What conditions does Dr. S Ananth treat?

Dr. S Ananth treats conditions like and more conditions related to General Physician/ Internal Medicine.

What is the consultation fee for Dr. S Ananth?

The consultation fee for Dr. S Ananth is ₹800.

Does Dr. S Ananth offer online consultations?

No, Dr. S Ananth does not provide online consultations via Apollo 24|7.