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Dr. Ajay Joy K

Dr. Ajay Joy K

Pulmonology Respiratory Medicine Specialist

7+ years experience

Pulmonology Respiratory Medicine Specialist 7+ Years Exp.

MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine)

Apollo Hospitals Karukutty

Malayalam, Hindi, English, Tamil, Marathi

About Dr. Ajay Joy K

  • Dr. Ajay Joy K is a Pulmonology Respiratory Medicine Specialist with 7 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with Apollo Hospitals Karukutty in Angamaly. Dr. Ajay Joy K holds MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine). He speaks Malayalam, Hindi, English, Tamil, Marathi.
  • Book a Hospital Visit with Dr. Ajay Joy K with Apollo now.
  • Dr. Ajay Joy K has over 7 years of experience as a Pulmonology Respiratory Medicine Specialist at Apollo Hospitals Karukutty.

Dr Ajay Joy K is a reputed pulmonologist with over seven years of experience, specialising in the treatment of respiratory ailments. Dr Ajay holds an MBBS and an MD in Pulmonary Medicine, showcasing his extensive educational background. Dr Ajay Joy is adept at managing conditions like asthma, bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes), emphysema (damage to the air sacs in the lungs), and aspergillosis (a fungal infection in the lungs). Dr Ajay is proficient in performing important procedures such as spirometry (a test to measure lung function), lung biopsy (a procedure to remove a small piece of lung tissue for examination), and bronchoscopy (a technique to look inside the airways). Dr Ajay Joy K practices at Apollo Hospitals Karukutty, Kerala, which is located on National Highway 544 in Ernakulam. His consultation fees start from Rs. 1000. Discounts may be applicable.

Education & Work Experience





MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine)


Where does Dr. Ajay Joy K practice?

Dr. Ajay Joy K practices at Apollo Hospitals Karukutty in Angamaly.

How can I book an appointment with Dr. Ajay Joy K?

You can book an appointment online via the Apollo 24|7 website or app by selecting an available slot. You can book a Physical visit to the hospital.

What do patients say about Dr. Ajay Joy K?

Most patients recomment Dr. Ajay Joy K. He is highly rated by patients for their expertise and compassionate care.

What is Dr. Ajay Joy K's educational qualification?

Dr. Ajay Joy K holds MBBS, MD (Pulmonary Medicine), and specializes in Pulmonology Respiratory Medicine Specialist.

How many years of experience does Dr. Ajay Joy K have?

Dr. Ajay Joy K has over 7 years of experience in Pulmonology/ Respiratory Medicine.

What is Dr. Ajay Joy K's medical specialty?

Dr. Ajay Joy K specializes in Pulmonology/ Respiratory Medicine, offering expert care in this field for more than 7 years.

What conditions does Dr. Ajay Joy K treat?

Dr. Ajay Joy K treats conditions like and more conditions related to Pulmonology/ Respiratory Medicine.

What is the consultation fee for Dr. Ajay Joy K?

The consultation fee for Dr. Ajay Joy K is ₹500.

Does Dr. Ajay Joy K offer online consultations?

No, Dr. Ajay Joy K does not provide online consultations via Apollo 24|7.