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Best Dentists in dharwad (1 doctors)

Book appointment for a trusted Dentists in Dharwad. Check doctor fees, available slots & locations. Apollo 24|7 features some of the top Dentists in Dharwad who have experience in treating conditions such as Toothache, Mouth Ulcer, Crooked Teeth and more. You can book online consultations & physical doctor appointments via Apollo 24|7. Compare Dentists fees, experience and more, find a specialist doctor near you. Apollo hospitals has a renowned Dentist department in Dharwad.

Dr. Madhu S Math, Dentist

Dr. Madhu S Math


5 Years • BDS

1 KM • Dharwad

Dr. Dodamani' S Dental & Orthodontic Clinic, Dharwad



No Booking Fees

Exceptional Dental Care in Dharwad City

In Dharwad, a city known for its vibrant lifestyle and modern infrastructure, top-tier dental clinics thrive. Apollo 24|7 connects you effortlessly to the best dental practitioners in the city, equipped with advanced technologies and up-to-date practices.

What Dentists Do

Dentists specialize in diagnosing, preventing, and treating oral health issues. In Dharwad, experienced dental professionals offer comprehensive care, ensuring access to specialist services through Apollo 24|7.

When to Seek Dental Care

Regular dental check-ups are crucial to prevent serious health issues. Consult a dentist in Dharwad for concerns like tooth pain, misaligned teeth, or pediatric dental care.

Available Procedures

Dharwad dentists provide a range of procedures such as cleanings, fillings, orthodontic treatments, and root canals, aimed at maintaining oral health and preventing complications.

Finding the Right Dentist

With Apollo 24|7, finding the best dentist in Dharwad is easy. Explore profiles, specialties, and patient ratings, with the option for teleconsultation for added convenience.

Role of Dentists in Healthcare

Dentists contribute significantly to healthcare by diagnosing and treating oral health conditions, promoting preventive care, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals for comprehensive patient well-being.

Prioritize your oral health with Apollo 24|7, ensuring a journey towards optimal dental wellness.